Commands tagged uppercase (1)

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Check These Out

Get your external IP address if your machine has a DNS entry
Using DynDNS or a similar service not only allows access to your home machine from outside without needing to know what IP the ISP has assigned to it but it also comes in handy if you want to know your external IP address. The only purpose of the sed command is to remove the leading " has address " part from the output. If you don't need to discard it you can simply use $ host $HOSTNAME

Avoid killing the X server with CTRL+C on the tty it was started from

c_rehash replacement
When you don't have c_rehash handy. Really simple - if you have a .pem file that doesn't really contain a x509 cert (let's say, newreq.pem), it will create a link, simply called '.0', pointing to that file.

Replicate a directory structure dropping the files

Rename files in batch

Big (four-byte) $RANDOM
Sometimes, in a shell script, you need a random number bigger than the range of $RANDOM. This will print a random number made of four hex values extracted from /dev/urandom.

for newbies, how to get one line info about all /bin programs
Get simple description on each file from /bin dir, in list form, usefull for newbies.

Convert images (jpg, png, ...) into a PDF
Converts images (maybe from scans) into a PDF

Throttle download speed (at speed x )
Axel --max-speed=x, -s x You can specify a speed (bytes per second) here and Axel will try to keep the average speed around this speed. Useful if you don?t want the program to suck up all of your bandwidth.

Creates a proxy based on tsocks.

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