Commands tagged pulseaudio (10)

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Check These Out

Create a mirror of a local folder, on a remote server
Create a exact mirror of the local folder "/root/files", on remote server 'remote_server' using SSH command (listening on port 22) (all files & folders on destination server/folder will be deleted)

Search for a line of text in a directory of files recursively (while limiting to certain file extensions)

Change wallpaper

Get HTTP status code with curl AND print response on new line

Show DeviceMapper names for LVM Volumes (to disambiguate iostat logs, etc)
Emits the device names which will be printed by iostat for an LVM volume; doesn't show the names for the underlying devices when snapshots are being used (the -cow and -real devices in /dev/mapper)

Watch the progress of 'dd'
need pv (pipe view) :

fast access to any of your favorite directory.
example: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- user@ubuntu:~/workspace/SVN/haystak-repos/trunk/internal/src$ addpi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that directory is in the list of fast access directories. You can switch to it anytime like this: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- user@ubuntu:~$ pi internal` user@ubuntu:~/workspace/SVN/haystak-repos/trunk/internal/src$ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note the backquote ( the symbol that shares its key with ~ in the keyboard ) pi will switch you to that directory. To see the list of all fast access directories you have to say "cat ~/.pi"

tar the current directory wihtout the absolute path
tars the current directory (and its children) in an archive of the same name (plus ".tar" :)) in the parent directory without the absolute path, so that when the archive is extracted, only the current directory name is created for the path. Assumes bash/zsh.

Convert CSV to JSON
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.

Get your external IP and Network Info
Gets all kind of info, rocks ... for just the ip addess you can use or

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