If you issue the "set" command, you'll see a list of variables and functions. This command displays just those functions' names. Show Sample Output
A shell function using perl to easily convert Unix-time to text. Put in in your ~/.bashrc or equivalent. Tested on Linux / Solaris Bourne, bash and zsh. using perl 5.6 and higher. (Does not require GNU date like some other commands) Show Sample Output
A function that allows you to perform a case-insensitive search in the current directory, and directories in the current directory (but no further), for files containing the first argument anywhere in their names.
Shorter regex. Show Sample Output
This function defines a command line calculator that handles everything pythons math module can handle, e.g. trigonometric functions, sqrt, log, erf, ... (see http://docs.python.org/library/math.html). It even knows about the constants pi and e. Show Sample Output
Put the function in your .bashrc and use "map [alias]" to create the alias you want. Just be careful to not override an existing alias. Show Sample Output
This alias is meant to append n (here is n=10) most recently used cd commands to the bottom of history file. This way you can easily change to one of previous visited directories simply by hitting 1-10 times arrow up key. Hint: You can make more aliases implying the same rule for any set of frequently used long and complex commands like: mkisof, rdesktop, gpg...
This is an expansion on a previous entry, which I've wrapped in a function and placed in my profile. The "$@" is a positional parameter, much like "$*", but the parameters are passed on intact, without interpretation or expansion; so you can simply call the function like this: mergepdf * This will output a merged PDF of all PDFs in the current directory. Alternatively, you can simply list them like so: mergepdf 00.pdf 01.pdf 02.pdf ... N.B. Passing a wildcard will merge all PDFs in the current directory in name order, e.g. 00.pdf 01.pdf aa.pdf ab.pdf
Evoke from the command like as:
timeDNS commandlinefu.com
This isn't too terribly practical, but it is a good code example of using subshells to run the queries in parallel and the use of an "anonymous function" (a/k/a "inline group") to group i/o.
I'm assuming you have already defined your local DNS cache as ${local_DNS}, (here, it's
You do need to install `moreutils` to get `sponge`.
If you're willing to wait, a slower version w/o sponge, (and w/o sorting), is this:
DNS () { for x in "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; do (echo -n "$x "; dig @"$x" "$*"|grep Query) ; done ; }
Show Sample Output
This opens a python command line. You can use math and random and float-division is enabled (without appending .0 to integers). I just don't know how to specify a standard precision.
Appends the input file with the date format YYYY-MM-DD.bak. Also runs silently if you remove the -v on the cp at the end of the function.
Is used like this: mkalias rmcache "rm -rfv app/cache/*"
This alternative either opens the current working directory by just issuing the open function in the commandline. Or you can specify what directory you would like to open. Example: open /cygdrive/c/Windows Usage: open [path] When no option is specified it will open the current working directory
Puts a splash of color in your access logs. IP addresses are gray, 200 and 304 are green, all 4xx errors are red. Works well with e.g. "colorize access_log | less -R" if you want to see your colors while paging.
Use as inspiration for other things you might be tailing, like syslog or vmstat
tail -f access.log | colorize
It looks for files that contains the given word as parameter. * case insensitive * matches files containing the given word. Show Sample Output
Sometimes commands give you too much feedback.
Perhaps 1/100th might be enough. If so, every() is for you.
my_verbose_command | every 100
will print every 100th line of output.
Specifically, it will print lines 100, 200, 300, etc
If you use a negative argument it will print the *first* of a block,
my_verbose_command | every -100
It will print lines 1, 101, 201, 301, etc
The function wraps up this useful sed snippet:
... | sed -n '0~100p'
don't print anything by default
sed -n
starting at line 0, then every hundred lines ( ~100 ) print.
There's also some bash magic to test if the number is negative:
we want character 0, length 1, of variable N.
If it *is* negative, strip off the first character ${N:1} is character 1 onwards (second actual character).
Show Sample Output
Put this one-line function somewhere in your shell init, re-login and try
whatinstalled <command>
This is an elaborate wrapper around "dpkg -S", with numerous safeguards. Symlinks and command aliases are resolved. If the searched command is not an existing executable file or was installed by some other means than dpkg/apt, nothing is printed to stdout, otherwise the package name.
Show Sample Output
worse alternative to ctrl+r: grep the history removing duplicates without sorting (case insensitive search). Show Sample Output
Reduce the number of keystrokes it takes to open a file in vim. First of all, you just need to type "v", which is less than half the number of characters (!), and second-of-all, you only need to enter a substring of the file you want to open. For example, if you want to open the file, homework.txt, then type "v hom" to open it. Good tip is to use the lowest unique substring, otherwise you'll open multiple files in different buffers (which is sometimes desirable). Use Ctrl-^ to switch between buffers.
Type the command in the terminal and press enter to create the tweet() function. Then run as follows: tweet MyTwitterAccount "My message goes here" It will prompt you for password. Make sure that you use escape "\" character in message for showing varialbles or markup.
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