When Ldapsearch queries an Active directory server, all the dates are shown using a timestamp of 18 digits. This perl regexp decodes them in a more human friendly notation. 11644473600 corresponds to some microsoft epoch. Show Sample Output
This command line detect ldap hosts, by mandatory dns entry, then ping them to detect response average. based on ping response average it sorts and print the faster server in first output line Show Sample Output
Find statistics for an Edirectory server form LDAPsearch. We have a lot more examples at: http://ldapwiki.willeke.com/wiki/Ldapsearch%20Examples The full command got shut off it is: ldapsearch -h ldapserver.willeke.com -p636 -e C:\mydata\treerootcert.der -b "" -s base -D cn=admin,ou=administration,dc=willeke,dc=com -w secretpwd "(objectclass=*)" chainings removeEntryOps referralsReturned listOps modifyRDNOps repUpdatesIn repUpdatesOut strongAuthBinds addEntryOps compareOps wholeSubtreeSearchOps modifyEntryOps searchOps errors simpleAuthBinds inOps oneLevelSearchOps inBytes abandonOps bindSecurityErrors securityErrors unAuthBinds outBytes extendedOps readOps dsaName directoryTreeName vendorVersion vendorName Show Sample Output
Shows list of users and their details in LDAP
Permit to generate a password for userPassword in ldap. Use ?slappasswd -g? to generate a random passowrd. Show Sample Output
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