Commands tagged ldap (5)

  • When Ldapsearch queries an Active directory server, all the dates are shown using a timestamp of 18 digits. This perl regexp decodes them in a more human friendly notation. 11644473600 corresponds to some microsoft epoch. Show Sample Output

    ldapsearch -v -H ldap://<server> -x -D cn=<johndoe>,cn=<users>,dc=<ourdomain>,dc=<tld> -w<secret> -b ou=<lazystaff>,dc=<ourdomain>,dc=<tld> -s sub sAMAccountName=* '*' | perl -pne 's/(\d{11})\d{7}/"DATE-AD(".scalar(localtime($1-11644473600)).")"/e'
    flux · 2009-04-22 00:57:34 5
  • This command line detect ldap hosts, by mandatory dns entry, then ping them to detect response average. based on ping response average it sorts and print the faster server in first output line Show Sample Output

    host -t srv _ldap._tcp | sed "s/.*[ ]\([^ ]*\)[.]$/\1/g" | xargs -i ping -c 1 {} | grep -E "(statistics|avg)" | sed "s/^--- \([^ ]*\).*/,\1:/g"|tr -d "\n" | tr "," "\n" | sed "1d;s|^\([^:]*\).*=[^/]*/\([^/]*\).*|\2\t\1|g" |sort -n
    glaudiston · 2016-09-02 03:26:29 15
  • Find statistics for an Edirectory server form LDAPsearch. We have a lot more examples at: The full command got shut off it is: ldapsearch -h -p636 -e C:\mydata\treerootcert.der -b "" -s base -D cn=admin,ou=administration,dc=willeke,dc=com -w secretpwd "(objectclass=*)" chainings removeEntryOps referralsReturned listOps modifyRDNOps repUpdatesIn repUpdatesOut strongAuthBinds addEntryOps compareOps wholeSubtreeSearchOps modifyEntryOps searchOps errors simpleAuthBinds inOps oneLevelSearchOps inBytes abandonOps bindSecurityErrors securityErrors unAuthBinds outBytes extendedOps readOps dsaName directoryTreeName vendorVersion vendorName Show Sample Output

    ldapsearch -h -p389 -b "" -s base -D cn=admin,ou=administration,dc=willeke,dc=com -w secretpwd "(objectclass=*)" chainings removeEntryOps referralsReturned listOps modifyRDNOps repUpdatesIn repUpdatesOut strongAuthBinds addEntryOps
    jwilleke · 2009-06-12 13:28:18 4
  • Shows list of users and their details in LDAP

    ldapsearch -x -LLL uid=*
    boylah · 2013-08-20 10:54:45 10
  • Permit to generate a password for userPassword in ldap. Use ?slappasswd -g? to generate a random passowrd. Show Sample Output

    evolix · 2011-10-13 14:46:03 5

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Displays the attempted user name, ip address, and time of SSH failed logins on Debian machines
A variation of a script I found on this site and then slimmed down to just use awk. It displays all users who have attempted to login to the box and failed using SSH. Pipe it to the sort command to see which usernames have the most failed logins.

Get IP from host
I just wanted a simple DNS request. Because host and nslookup commands are not on all systems, we use getent instead. Thanks aulem for that tip.

Generate a random password 30 characters long

print contents of file from first match of regex to end of file
Search in "filename" for the first line to match regex, and print to stdout from the matching line to the end of the file.

Convert all files *.mp4 to *.mpeg using ffmpeg (Windows Cmd line)
Note: %~nI expands %I to a file name only (cf.

show how many regex you use in your vim today
i want to count how many regex code i have used in vim in a long time so i make a directory in svn host and post record to this directory of course i dont want to post manually so i worte a script to do that and this is the core thing to do

Update zone file Serial numbers
Will edit *.db files in the same directory with todays date. Useful for doing a mass update to domains on a nameserver, adding spf records, etc. Looks for a string starting with 200 or 201 followed by 7 numbers, and replaces with todays date. This won't overwrite Ip's but i would still do some double checking after running this. Make sure your server's date is correct, otherwise insert your own serial number. $rndc reload should usually follow this command.

Get Futurama quotations from servers

Delete backward from cursor, useful when you enter the wrong password

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