sometimes I need list from path with max limit for recursive depth directory listing
This command list and sort files by size and in reverse order, the reverse order is very helpful when you have a very long list and wish to have the biggest files at the bottom so you don't have scrool up. The file size info is in human readable output, so ex. 1K..234M...3G Tested with Linux (Red Hat Enterprise Edition)
if you want to move with command mv large list of files than you would get following error /bin/mv: Argument list too long alternavite with exec: find /source/directory -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name '*' -exec mv {} /target/directory \; Show Sample Output
Lists ONLY the files changed by the given HASH/HEAD/list of hashes, etc. The message, commit ID, author, etc. is not included
Tells you everything you could ever want to know about all files and subdirectories. Great for package creators. Totally secure too.
On my Slackware box, this gets set upon login:
LS_OPTIONS='-F -b -T 0 --color=auto'
alias ls='/bin/ls $LS_OPTIONS'
which works great.
Show Sample Output
Export all Mailman mailing lists Members to separate .txt files excluding "Mailman" and "Test" or add yours by && $1!="myDontWannaList"
If you want certain files out of a directory hierarchy, this will copy just the listed files, but will create the directory hierarchy in the new location ($DIR/)
List all text files in the current directory.
This will list your phone's filesystem with bitpim. (works on many LG, Samsung, and Sanyo) See for full list.
Shows list of users and their details in LDAP
using awk, changed the line given by sucotronic in command #11733 to print the first and second columns Show Sample Output
This helps me determine which repo I want to use for downloading ISO files Show Sample Output
urls.txt should have a fully qualified url on each line
prefix with
rm log.txt;
to clear the log
change curl command to
curl --head $file | head -1 >> log.txt
to just get the http status
Show Sample Output
Schematics: command [options] [paste your variable here] parameter command [options] [paste entire column of variables here] parameter ... (hard-code command "c" and parameter "e" according to your wishes: in example shown command = "cp -a" and parameter = "~") Features: - Quick exchange only variable part of a long command line - Make variable part to be an entire column of data (i.e. file list) - Full control while processing every single item Hints: Paste column of data from anywhere. I.e. utilize the Block Select Mode to drag, select and copy columns (In KDE Konsole with Ctrl+Alt pressed, or only Ctrl pressed in GNOME Terminal respectively). Disadvantages: You can paste only one single variable in a row. If there are more space separated variables in a row only first one will be processed, but you can arrange your variables in a column instead. To transpose rows to columns or vice versa look at Linux manual pages for 'cut' and 'paste'. TODO: - add edit mode to vary command "c" and parameter "e" on the fly - add one edit mode more to handle every list item different - add y/n/a (=All) instead of only y(=default)/n to allowed answers Disclaimer: The code is not optimized, only the basic idea is presented here. It's up to you to shorten code or extend the functionality. Show Sample Output
This script will list all the files in the tarballs present on any folder or subfolder of the provided path. The while loop is for echoing the file name of the tarball before listing the files, so the tarball can be identified
Oneliner to get domain names list of all existing domain names (from wikipedia) Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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