Commands tagged debug (18)

  • 18
    env PS4=' ${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}(${FUNCNAME[0]}) ' sh -x /etc/profile
    oernii2 · 2009-10-07 14:44:59 16
  • Sometimes a program refuses to read a file and you're not sure why. You may have display_errors turned off for PHP or something. In this example, fopen('/var/www/test/foo.txt') was called but doesn't have read access to foo.txt. Strace can tell you what went wrong. E.g., if php doesn't have read access to the file, strace will say "EACCESS (Permission denied)". Or, if the file path you gave doesn't exist, strace will say "ENOENT (No such file or directory)", etc. This works for any program you can run from the command-line, e.g., strace python -e open,access... Note: the above command uses php-cli, not mod_php, which is a different SAPI with diff configs, etc. Show Sample Output

    strace php tias.php -e open,access 2>&1 | grep foo.txt
    rkulla · 2010-04-20 19:42:42 7
  • or you can add "-x" to get a typical hexdump like output Show Sample Output

    socat -v tcp4-l:<port> tcp4:<host>:<port>
    sitaram · 2009-09-25 17:10:16 4
  • Turn shell tracing and verbosity (set -xv) on/off in any Bourne-type shell If either -x or -v is set, the function turns them both off. If neither is on, both are turned on.

    xv() { case $- in *[xv]*) set +xv;; *) set -xv ;; esac }
    cfajohnson · 2010-02-14 20:57:29 4
  • When debugging an ssh connection either to optimize your settings ie compression, ciphers, or more commonly for debugging an issue connecting, this alias comes in real handy as it's not easy to remember the '-o LogLevel=DEBUG3' argument, which adds a boost of debugging info not available with -vvv alone. Especially useful are the FD info, and the setup negotiation to create a cleaner, faster connection. Show Sample Output

    alias sshv='ssh -vvv -o LogLevel=DEBUG3'
    AskApache · 2010-10-30 11:23:52 5
  • If you need to xdebug a remote php application, which is behind a firewall, and you have an ssh daemon running on that machine. you can redirect port 9000 on that machine over to your local machine from which you run your xdebug client (I am using phpStorm) So, run this command on your local machine and start your local xdebug client, to start debugging. more info:

    ssh -R 9000:localhost:9000
    nadavkav · 2011-05-28 09:39:16 5
  • USAGE: gate listening_port host port Creates listening socket and connects to remote device at host:port. It uses pipes for connection between two sockets. Traffic which goes through pipes is wrote to stdout. I use it for debug network scripts.

    gate() { mkfifo /tmp/sock1 /tmp/sock2 &> /dev/null && nc -p $1 -l < /tmp/sock1 | tee /tmp/sock2 & PID=$! && nc $2 $3 < /tmp/sock2 | tee /tmp/sock1; kill -KILL $PID; rm -f /tmp/sock1 /tmp/sock2 ; }
    true · 2009-09-25 08:10:23 4
  • Running this command turns shell tracing and shell verbose debugging on or off. Not only does it do that, it also uses your terminals builtin method of setting colors to make debugging much easier. It looks at the current shell options contained in the $- special bash variable and that lets this function set the opposite of the current value. So from the shell you could do a: setx; echo "y" | ( cat -t ) | echo "d"; setx and it will turn on debbuggin. This is an amazingly useful function that is perfect to add system-wide by adding it to /etc/profile or /etc/bashrc.. You can run it from the shell, and you can also use it in your shell scripts like my .bash_profile - Show Sample Output

    function setx(){ sed '/[xv]/!Q2' <<< $- && { set +xv; export PS4=">>> "; } || { export PS4="`tput setaf 3`>>> `tput sgr0`"; set -xv; }; }
    AskApache · 2010-02-14 01:25:44 6
  • If you have ever been trying to look for a list of processes based on their elapsed time you don't need to look any further. This command lets you find the list of processes ordered in a reversed order (oldest at the top) that have been running for over an hour on your system. Any system processes are filtered out, leaving only user initiated ones in. I find it extremely useful for debugging and performance analysis. Show Sample Output

    ps -eo etime,pid,pcpu,ppid,args | sed -e '/\[.\+\]/d' -e '/^[ \t]*[0-9]\{2\}:[0-9]\{2\} /d' | sort -k1r
    neurodrone · 2014-02-14 00:22:31 11
  • Trace python statement execution and syscalls invoked during that simultaneously Show Sample Output

    strace python -m trace --trace | grep -v 'write(1,'
    roolebo · 2016-05-27 21:01:01 70
  • pudb is an ncurses debugger. This command will allow interactive debugging of test failures in pytest using pudb.

    pytest --pdbcls pudb.debugger:Debugger --pdb --capture=no
    malathion · 2019-07-14 02:54:59 42

  • 0
    (acroread &);sleep 2;gdb /opt/Adobe/Reader8/Reader/intellinux/bin/acroread `pidof`
    rhythmx · 2009-04-29 16:23:48 11

  • 0
    set -x
    depesz · 2010-12-15 09:17:04 4

  • 0
    pidof httpd | sed 's/ / -p /g' | xargs strace -fp
    daniele · 2011-06-28 09:53:19 4
  • Sometimes it is necessary to view debug messages to troubleshoot any SSH connection issues. pass -v (lowercase v) option to the ssh as shown below to view the ssh debug messages. Show Sample Output

    ssh -v
    ankush108 · 2012-06-26 16:11:35 5
  • Enable tracing and print a timestamp before the command to be invoked. Original author: Peter Eisentraut Show Sample Output

    set -x && PS4='+\t '
    em · 2012-07-19 11:13:47 7

  • 0
    env PS4=' ${BASH_SOURCE:-0$}:${LINENO}(${FUNCNAME[0]}) ' sh -x /etc/profile
    brownman · 2014-06-15 12:12:07 9
  • Very useful for test a script. After launch this command, you only have to press ENTER for launch your script again. I work with screen and tape ENTER instead of '!!'+ENTER If you break your script with CTRL-C, it will wait for press ENTER and will re-launch You can write like it : while read -p "Press ENTER" ; do python ; done

    while read ; do python <script> ; done
    Zulu · 2012-02-23 22:29:09 14

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Check These Out

Remove empty directories
It only works in zsh

Extract tarball from internet without local saving

Test network speed without wasting disk
The above command will send 4GB of data from one host to the next over the network, without consuming any unnecessary disk on either the client nor the host. This is a quick and dirty way to benchmark network speed without wasting any time or disk space. Of course, change the byte size and count as necessary. This command also doesn't rely on any extra 3rd party utilities, as dd, ssh, cat, /dev/zero and /dev/null are installed on all major Unix-like operating systems.

Check the status of a network interface

Find all active ip's in a subnet

Empty a file

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

Convert CSV to JSON
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.

Converts all pngs in a folder to webp using all available cores
As an alternative to the above command, this one ditches the unnecessary and complicated for loop in favor of a way faster multi-core approach for a task that's more CPU than I/O intensive, making it a perfect suite for GNU parallel

Remove a line in a text file. Useful to fix
In this case it's better do to use the dedicated tool

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