Pipe any command through figlet to make the output more awesome. Example:
ls | figlet
Show Sample Output
# from xfce session to avoid keyboard shortcut clashing # start xephyr in VGA1 monitor: Xephyr -keybd ephyr,,,xkbmodel=evdev,xkblayout=it -listen tcp -ac -reset -output VGA1 :5 # then start an xterm locally export DISPLAY=:5.0 xterm # and remote ssh (no X fw needed if local tcp with access disablesd (-tcp -ac) => UNSECURE!!! ssh remote-host export DISPLAY=notebook:5.0 xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources xterm -geometry 132x50-0+0 # start awesome dbus-launch $(which awesome) dex -a -e Awesome Show Sample Output
The command was too long for the command box, so here it is:
echo $(( `wget -qO - http://i18n.counter.li.org/ | grep 'users registered' | sed 's/.*\<font size=7\>//g' | tr '\>' ' ' | sed 's/<br.*//g' | tr ' ' '\0'` + `curl --silent http://www.dudalibre.com/gnulinuxcounter?lang=en | grep users | head -2 | tail -1 | sed 's/.*<strong>//g' | sed 's/<\/strong>.*//g'` ))
This took me about an hour to do. It uses wget and curl because, dudalibre.com blocks wget, and wget worked nicely for me.
Show Sample Output
alternatives: xinit $(which gnome-awesome-session) with cat /usr/local/bin/gnome-awesome-session: #!/bin/bash exec gnome-session --session awesome "$@" following: http://awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/Quickly_Setting_up_Awesome_with_Gnome note: in ubuntu 12.10 a probable Xephyr recent bug rejects keybd option ... Show Sample Output
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