Commands tagged cygwin (19)

  • I spent a bunch of time yesterday looking for the xsel package in Cygwin- turns out you can use the /dev/clipboard device to do the same thing. Show Sample Output

    cat /dev/clipboard; $(somecommand) > /dev/clipboard
    sud0er · 2009-07-10 18:48:21 5
  • Though without infinite time and knowledge of how the site will be designed in the future this may stop working, it still will serve as a simple straight forward starting point. This uses the observation that the only item marked as strong on the page is the single logical line that includes the italicized fact. If future revisions of the page show failure, or intermittent failure, one may simply alter the above to read. wget -O - 2>/dev/null | tee lastfact | grep \<strong\> | sed "s;^.*<i>\(.*\)</i>.*$;\1;" The file lastfact, can then be examined whenever the command fails.

    wget -O - 2>/dev/null | grep \<strong\> | sed "s;^.*<i>\(.*\)</i>.*$;\1;"
    tali713 · 2010-03-30 23:49:30 83
  • Usage: google "[search string]" Example: google "something im searching for" This will launch firefox and execute a google search in a new tab with the provided search string. You must provide the path to your Firefox binary if using cygwin to $ff or create an alias like follows: alias firefox='/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe' Most Linux flavors with Firefox installed will use just ff="firefox" and even OSX.

    google() { gg=""; ff="firefox"; if [[ $1 ]]; then "$ff" -new-tab "$gg"$(echo ${1//[^a-zA-Z0-9]/+}); else echo 'Usage: google "[seach term]"'; fi }
    lowjax · 2013-08-01 22:21:53 21
  • extension to tali713's random fact generator. It takes the output & sends it to notify-osd. Display time is proportional to the lengh of the fact.

    wget -O - 2>/dev/null | grep \<strong\> | sed "s;^.*<i>\(.*\)</i>.*$;\1;" | while read FUNFACT; do notify-send -t $((1000+300*`echo -n $FUNFACT | wc -w`)) -i gtk-dialog-info "RandomFunFact" "$FUNFACT"; done
    mtron · 2010-04-02 09:43:32 5

  • 2
    while (true); do date --utc; done | uniq -c
    hute37 · 2013-03-15 12:05:37 40
  • Efficiently clear all Windows Event log entries from within a Cygwin terminal. Uses "cygstart" to launch a hidden "PowerShell" session passing a Powershell command to loop through and clear all Windows Event Log entries. Very useful for troubleshooting and debugging. The command should in theory elevate you session if needed. One liner is based on the PowerShell command: wevtutil el | foreach { wevtutil cl $_ }

    cygstart --hide -wa runas powershell -WindowStyle Hidden -Command '"&{wevtutil el | foreach{wevtutil cl $_}}"'
    lowjax · 2015-02-15 22:56:20 31
  • This alternative either opens the current working directory by just issuing the open function in the commandline. Or you can specify what directory you would like to open. Example: open /cygdrive/c/Windows Usage: open [path] When no option is specified it will open the current working directory

    open(){ if [[ -n "$1" ]];then explorer /e, $(cygpath -mal "$PWD/$1");else explorer /e, $(cygpath -mal "$PWD");fi }
    lowjax · 2013-07-31 01:15:14 13
  • Outputs Windows Services service name and display name using "sc query", pipes the output to "awk" for processing, then "column" for formatting. List All Services: sc query state= all | awk '/SERVICE_NAME/{printf"%s:",$2;getline;gsub(/DISP.*:\ /,"");printf"%s\n",$0}' | column -ts\: List Started Services: sc query | awk '/SERVICE_NAME/{printf"%s:",$2;getline;gsub(/DISP.*:\ /,"");printf"%s\n",$0}' | column -ts\: List Stopped Services: sc query state= inactive| awk '/SERVICE_NAME/{printf"%s:",$2;getline;gsub(/DISP.*:\ /,"");printf"%s\n",$0}' | column -ts\: Show Sample Output

    sc query state= all | awk '/SERVICE_NAME/{printf"%s:",$2;getline;gsub(/DISP.*:\ /,"");printf"%s\n",$0}' | column -ts\:
    lowjax · 2015-02-15 22:35:10 12
  • This is a working version, though probably clumsy, of the script submitted by felix001. This works on ubuntu and CygWin. This would be great as a bash function, defined in .bashrc. Additionally it would work as a script put in the path. Show Sample Output

    lynx -dump | grep -A 3 U | sed 1D
    xizdaqrian · 2009-05-05 07:52:10 12
  • Inspired by: #!/bin/bash if [ -n "$1" ] then firefox '"'$1'"' else firefox '' fi Ive aliased this script as 'google' on my system and I can type 'google "search terms"' to open firefox with my search terms. My first post here, if there are any improvements to be made please let me know in the comments.

    google "search terms" #see description for more details
    husmanahmed · 2011-07-04 09:37:39 50
  • in Cygwin, start X server fullscreen ... For openGL, check here:

    startx -- -fullscreen -noresize -unixkill
    hute37 · 2013-02-07 11:54:19 33
  • wmr - | pv -s $SIZEOFMEM | ssh -p 40004 -c arcfour,blowfish-cbc -C "cat - > /forensics/T430-8gb-RAM1.dd" Run above command from Windows Cygwin: On Windows: Install Cygwin, and copy WMR (windows memory reader 1.0) memory diagnostic into cygwin\bin folder, also install cygwins netcat and ssh (openssh). I recommend installing apt-cyg and running " On Linux: Have an SSH Server SIMPLEST FORM: WINDOWS: # wmr - | ssh "cat - > /tmp/FileToSave.dd" For more details on how to extract information from memory dump: apt-get install foremost foremost -t all -T -i /forensics/T430-8gb-RAM1.dd For more information: Show Sample Output

    wmr - | pv -s $SIZEOFMEM | ssh -p 40004 -c arcfour,blowfish-cbc -C "cat - > /forensics/T430-8gb-RAM1.dd"
    bhbmaster · 2013-05-31 00:04:19 104
  • use the shell default positional parameter syntax ${X:-default} in lieu of testing.

    open() { explorer /e, $(cygpath -wap "${1:-$PWD}"); }
    applemcg · 2013-08-08 14:49:15 7
  • Pass the files path to finfo(), can be unix path, dos path, relative or absolute. The file is converted into an absolute nix path, then checked to see if it is in-fact a regular/existing file. Then converted into an absolute windows path and sent to "wmic". Then magic, you have windows file details right in the terminal. Uses: cygwin, cygpath, sed, and awk. Needs Windows WMI "wmic.exe" to be operational. The output is corrected for easy... finfo notepad.exe finfo "C:\windows\system32\notepad.exe" finfo /cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/notepad.exe finfo "/cygdrive/c/Program Files/notepad.exe" finfo ../notepad.exe Show Sample Output

    finfo() { [[ -f "$(cygpath "$@")" ]] || { echo "bad-file";return 1;}; echo "$(wmic datafile where name=\""$(echo "$(cygpath -wa "$@")"|sed 's/\\/\\\\/g')"\" get /value)"|sed 's/\r//g;s/^M$//;/^$/d'|awk -F"=" '{print $1"=""\033[1m"$2"\033[0m"}';}
    lowjax · 2013-12-30 07:47:41 28
  • Using "wmic get * /value" within any Cygwin shell will return lots of Win/Dos newline junk ie "^M$" at the end of found value line, two lines ("$" Unix newline) above, and three below. This makes storing and or evaluating wmic queries as variables a pain. The method i suggest strips the mentioned junk, only returns the value after "OSArchitecture=", and includes only one Unix style newline. Other methods using sed|awk|cut can only handle the output of wmic cleanly when piped or using multiple sed statements. wmic OS get OSArchitecture /value | sed 's/\r//g;s/^M$//;/^$/d;s/.*=//' making wmic OS get OSArchitecture /value | grep -Eo '[^=]*$' a much cleaner and slightly less costly alternative. Show Sample Output

    wmic OS get OSArchitecture /value | grep -Eo '[^=]*$'
    lowjax · 2014-03-15 02:04:08 14
  • What's wrong with this? Show Sample Output

    explorer . &
    rmsh · 2014-06-08 10:16:04 8
  • Functionally the same as the Microsoft Robocopy ( command below but with the benefits of compression and optionally specifying a user. robocopy /e [//host]/source/path [//host]/destination/path Options: -a: archive mode - rescursive, copy symlinks as symlinks, preserve permissions, preserve modification times, preserve group, preserve owner, preserve device files and special files -hh: Numbers in human-readable K=1024 format. Single "h" will produce human-readable K=1000 format -m: don't copy empty directories -z: use compression (if both source and destination are local it's faster to omit this) --progress: Shows progress during the transfer and implies --verbose (verbose output) --stats: Summary after the transfer stops Show Sample Output

    rsync -ahhmz --progress --stats [[user@]host:]/source/path/ [[user@]host:]/destination/path/
    juangmorales · 2014-11-13 18:52:45 20
  • Commandline for windows + cygwin with specific interface and resolved ip.

    ssh "tcpdump -i INTERFACE_NAME -U -nnn -s0 -w - 'port 80'" | /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Wireshark/Wireshark.exe -N mnNtCd -k -i -
    artembeloglazov · 2016-03-02 13:42:29 12
  • This example is taken from Cygwin running on Win7Ent-64. Device names will vary by platform. Both commands resulted in identical files per the output of md5sum, and ran in the same time down to the second (2m45s), less than 100ms apart. I timed the commands with 'time', which added before 'dd' or 'readom' gives execution times after the command completes. See 'man time' for more can be found on any Unix or Linux newer than 1973. Yeah, that means everywhere. readom is supposed to guarantee good reads, and does support flags for bypassing bad blocks where dd will either fail or hang. readom's verbosity gave more interesting output than dd. On Cygwin, my attempt with 'readom' from the first answer actually ended up reading my hard drive. Both attempts got to 5GB before I killed them, seeing as that is past any CD or standard DVD. dd: 'bs=1M' says "read 1MB into RAM from source, then write that 1MB to output. I also tested 10MB, which shaved the time down to 2m42s. 'if=/dev/scd0' selects Cygwin's representation of the first CD-ROM drive. 'of=./filename.iso' simply means "create filename.iso in the current directory." readom: '-v' says "be a little noisy (verbose)." The man page implies more verbosity with more 'v's, e.g. -vvv. dev='D:' in Cygwin explicitly specifies the D-drive. I tried other entries, like '/dev/scd0' and '2,0', but both read from my hard drive instead of the CD-ROM. I imagine my LUN-foo (2,0) was off for my system, but on Cygwin 'D:' sort of "cut to the chase" and did the job. f='./filename.iso' specifies the output file. speed=2 simply sets the speed at which the CD is read. I also tried 4, which ran the exact same 2m45s. retries=8 simply means try reading a block up to 8 times before giving up. This is useful for damaged media (scratches, glue lines, etc.), allowing you to automatically "get everything that can be copied" so you at least have most of the data. Show Sample Output

    dd bs=1M if=/dev/scd0 of=./filename.iso OR readom -v dev='D:' f='./filename.iso' speed=2 retries=8
    scotharkins · 2013-10-23 15:53:27 7

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echo unicode characters

Compress excutable files in place.
The gzexe utility allows you to compress executables in place and have them automatically uncompress and execute when you run them. FYI: You can compress any executable sha-bang scripts as well (py, pl, sh, tcl, etc.).

repeat any string or char n times without spaces between
(here is character '+' repeated 80 times) Sometimes needed to enhance the title of the script.

View dmesg output in human readable format

Lists the size of certain file in every 10 seconds
watch is a command especially designed for doing this job

Throttling Bandwidth On A Mac
sudo ipfw pipe 1 config bw 50KByte/s Set the bandwidth (bw) limit to any number you want. For example you could have a 15kb pipe for X application and then a 100kb pipe for another application and attach things to those pipes. If a port isn’t attached to a pipe, it runs at full speed. Change the number (in this case 1) to a different number for a different pipe. The next step is to attach your port. sudo ipfw add 1 pipe 1 src-port 80 In this case anything on port 80 (http) will be set to a limit of 50Kbyte/s. If you want to attach a second port to this pipe, repeat the command but change the port number at the end. src :

Search specified $TEXT1 and Replace that by specified arg ($TEXT2)

ls only directories
Like normal ls, but only lists directories. Can be used with -l to get more details (ls -lad */)

Parse m3u playlist file for total time
Parse an m3u file with seconds for each item and output the length of the entire playlist

Grep auth log and print ip of attackers
Work for me on CentOS, grep and print ip addresses of ssh bruteforce attempts

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