Finds all corrupted jpeg files in current directory and its subdirectories. Displays the error or warning found.
The jpeginfo is part of the jpeginfo package in debian.
Should you wish to only get corrupted filenames, use cut to extract them :
find ./ -name *jpg -exec jpeginfo -c {} \; | grep -E "WARNING|ERROR" | cut -d " " -f 1
Show Sample Output
This will extract all DCT format images from foo.pdf and save them in JPEG format (option -j) to bar-000.jpg, bar-001.jpg, bar-002.jpg, etc. Inspired by
Regnerate Exif thumbnail.
Find all corrupted jpeg in the current directory, find a file with the same name in a source directory hierarchy and copy it over the corrupted jpeg file. Convenient to run on a large bunch of jpeg files copied from an unsure medium. Needs the jpeginfo tool, found in the jpeginfo package (on debian at least).
You can also save EXIF information by copying it to temp.jpg:
jpegtran -optimize -outfile temp.jpg <JPEG> && jhead -te temp.jpg "$_" && mv temp.jpg "$_"
Requires ImageMagick to be installed. This command was stolen from @climagic on Twitter. Probably a duplicate of command below, but this command uses slightly higher quality.
Runs the identify command (from ImageMagick) on each jpg file in the current directory and returns image details according to the format parameter. The example here returns: Filename FileSize Compression Width Height More information about the available format options can be found here: I usually redirect the output to a text file using "> listofdetails.txt" at the end. Spreadsheet magic can then be applied. Show Sample Output
This checks jpeg data and metadata, should be grepped as needed, maybe a -B1 Warning for the first, and a -E "WARNING|ERROR" for the second part....
Requires ImageMagick. Extracts date taken from image and renames it properly. Based on StackOverflow answer. Show Sample Output
Output should be two JPG files named like "output-1.jpg" and "output-2.jpg". The convert command is part of ImageMagick so you'll need that and dependent packages installed to use it. is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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