Commands tagged completion (11)

  • Pressing ESC then * will insert in the command line the results of the autocompletion. It's hard to explain but if you look the sample output or do echo ESC * you will understand quickly. By the way, few reminders about ESC : - Hold ESC does the same thing as tab tab - 'ESC .' inserts the last argument of last command (can be done many times in order to get the last argument of all previous commands) Show Sample Output

    ESC *
    Josay · 2009-06-14 21:17:40 56
  • When browsing java source code (for example) it's really annoying having to type the first letter of the package when there is only one package in the subdir. man bash for more info about FIGNORE

    export FIGNORE=.svn
    peter0081 · 2010-04-09 15:26:00 10
  • In Bash, when defining an alias, one usually loses the completion related to the function used in that alias (that completion is usually defined in /etc/bash_completion using the complete builtin). It's easy to reuse the work done for that completion in order to have smart completion for our alias. That's what is done by this command line (that's only an example but it may be very easy to reuse). Note 1 : You can use given command line in a loop "for old in apt-get apt-cache" if you want to define aliases like that for many commands. Note 2 : You can put the output of the command directly in your .bashrc file (after the ". /etc/bash_completion") to always have the alias and its completion Show Sample Output

    old='apt-get'; new="su-${old}"; command="sudo ${old}"; alias "${new}=${command}"; $( complete | sed -n "s/${old}$/${new}/p" ); alias ${new}; complete -p ${new}
    Josay · 2009-08-10 00:15:05 4
  • enable each bash completion that you have installed at your system, that's very nice ;)

    for x in $(eselect bashcomp list | sed -e 's/ //g' | cut -d']' -f2 | sed -e 's/\*//');do eselect bashcomp enable $x --global;sleep 0.5s;done
    chronos · 2010-09-21 00:17:26 6

  • 1
    for i in `eselect bashcomp list | awk '{print $2}'`; do eselect bashcomp enable $i; done
    jsvk · 2012-12-10 06:07:54 5
  • Tested with bash v4.1.5 on ubuntu 10.10 Limitations: as written above, only works for programs with no file extention (i.e 'proggy', but not '') because \eb maps to readine function backward-word rather then shell-backward-word (which is unbinded by default on ubuntu), and correspondingly for \ef. if you're willing to have Ctrl-f and Ctrl-g taken up too , you can insert the following lines into ~/.inputrc, in which case invoking Ctrl-e will do the right thing both for "proggy" and "". -- cut here -- \C-f:shell-backward-word \C-g:shell-forward-word "\C-e":"\C-f`which \C-g`\e\C-e" -- cut here -- Show Sample Output

    bind '"\C-e":"\eb `which \ef`\e\C-e"'
    jennings6k · 2011-01-26 16:11:52 10
  • It gives a 'xcd' command for changing directory to one of CWDs of other ZSH processes (typically running in a terminal emulator). Useful for single-windowed terminal emulators like XTerm or Rxvt which don't have ability to pass CWD of one shell to another. Show Sample Output

    function _xterm_cwds() { for pid in $(pidof -- -zsh) $(pidof zsh); do reply+=$(readlink /proc/$pid/cwd) done }; function xcd() { cd $1 }; compctl -K _xterm_cwds xcd
    aartur · 2012-07-12 19:59:46 5

  • 0
    eselect bashcomp enable --global $(eselect bashcomp list | sed -e 's/ //g'| cut -d']' -f2 | sed -e 's/\*//'| xargs)
    proteusx · 2012-07-20 22:01:08 5
  • Pros: * it's much faster then for loop * removes first line of 'eselect bashcomp list' - which contains text "Available completions:"

    eselect bashcomp enable --global $(eselect bashcomp list | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $2}' |xargs)
    eNcacz · 2016-02-12 16:53:22 12
  • MacOS Solution due to lack of pidof command and procfs on MacOS Kernel. Show Sample Output

    function _xterm_cwds() { for pid in $(pgrep -x zsh); do reply+=$(lsof -p $pid | grep cwd | awk '{print $9}') done }; function xcd() { cd $1 }; compctl -K _xterm_cwds xcd
    cdiehl · 2019-06-15 02:26:11 35
  • When you have to manage lot of servers, it's boring to type ssh root@myhost for each connection. Now you can type juste "s someting" and you are connected. You can too add bash_completion script to complet with tab the name of your servers. This will be the next tips from me ;) Show Sample Output

    alias s='ssh -l root'
    GouNiNi · 2009-05-07 15:57:12 11

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Manages everything through one sed script instead of pipes of greps and awks. Quoting of shell variables is generally easier within a sed script.

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external projector for presentations
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Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

set a reminder for 5 days in the future
setup for reminder in 5 days, added the date in the future. To run a job at 4pm three days from now, you would do at 4pm + 3 days, to run a job at 10:00am on July 31, you would do at 10am Jul 31 and to run a job at 1am tomorrow, you would do at 1am tomorrow.

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Edit a file inside a compressed archive without extracting it
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cpu info

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