wraps text lines at the specified width (90 here). -s option is to force to wrap on blank characters -b count bytes instead of columns
Like 7171, but fixed typo, uses fewer variables, and even more cryptic! Show Sample Output
cryptic version Show Sample Output
Replace all instances of "A" with "B" in file "source" saved as file "destination". !! IF A/B is multi-byte, then separate bytes with spaces like so: "s/20\ 0A/00/g". Show Sample Output
I look at xkcd in my news reader, but it displays the image's title attribute only for a few seconds which makes reading the longer ones more challenging. So I use this to display it in my console.
I used this fragment with Imagemagick convert so that I can place long text strings in pictures. The "\n" gets converted to a true newline in the image. So this fragment uses fold command to wrap the line and then sed to convert newlines (and any trailing spaces on the line) to the text "\n" Show Sample Output
A function for retrieving and displaying a list of synonyms for a German word or phrase. Show Sample Output
pwgen 30 Show Sample Output
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