Commands tagged PHP (39)

  • 14
    find . -name \*.php -exec php -l "{}" \;
    Koobiac · 2011-08-02 12:12:32 9

  • 6
    php -i
    elzapp · 2009-08-11 14:17:13 28
  • Quick and easy way to find out which php.ini file is being used. Especially useful if you just need to find the location of the file for editing purposes. Show Sample Output

    php -i | grep php.ini
    jemmille · 2009-12-23 15:52:20 5
  • If you need to xdebug a remote php application, which is behind a firewall, and you have an ssh daemon running on that machine. you can redirect port 9000 on that machine over to your local machine from which you run your xdebug client (I am using phpStorm) So, run this command on your local machine and start your local xdebug client, to start debugging. more info:

    ssh -R 9000:localhost:9000
    nadavkav · 2011-05-28 09:39:16 5
  • Run the function phpinfo() on the shell

    php -r phpinfo();
    amaymon · 2009-08-11 07:00:51 4
  • Tired of front end developers using short open tags in your views? This will replace all instances of

    find . -name '*.phtml' | xargs perl -pi -e 's/(?!(<\?(php|xml|=)))<\?/<\?php/g;'
    crashspeeder · 2014-05-07 14:33:19 11
  • Useful to crawl where the javascript is declared, and extract it a common file. You can redirect it to a file to review item by item. Show Sample Output

    grep -r "<script" | grep -v src | awk -F: '{print $1}' | uniq
    sucotronic · 2014-07-23 06:24:31 12

  • 2
    ps axo pcpu,args | awk '/[p]hp.*pool/ { sums[$4] += $1 } END { for (pool in sums) { print sums[pool], pool } }' | sort -rn | column -t
    phunehehe · 2014-12-11 05:31:04 26

  • 1
    php -r "phpinfo\(\);"
    s0x · 2009-08-11 13:39:16 4
  • This is a simple bash function and a key binding that uses commandlinefu's simple and easy search API. It prompts for a search term, then it uses curl to search commandline fu, and highlights the search results with less.

    function ds { echo -n "search : "; read ST; EST=`php -r "echo rawurlencode('$ST');"`; B64=`echo -n $ST| openssl enc -base64`; curl -s "$EST/$B64/plaintext" | less -p "$ST"; } ; bind '"\C-k"':"\"ds\C-m\""
    cparker · 2011-02-20 23:46:16 33
  • Creates HTML code from PHP source Show Sample Output

    php -s source.php > source.html
    ruslan · 2011-03-10 15:11:35 4
  • Requires installed command line PHP. Also, try at different dimensions of terminal window

    php -r 'function a(){$i=10;while($i--)echo str_repeat(" ",rand(1,79))."*".PHP_EOL;}$i=99;while($i--){a();echo str_repeat(" ",34)."Happy New Year 2011".PHP_EOL;a();usleep(200000);}'
    galymzhan · 2011-04-21 05:08:56 4

  • 1
    php --ini
    alpha1130 · 2011-08-02 06:19:11 5

  • 1
    php -m
    rockon · 2012-05-27 12:08:52 4
  • Checks for syntax errors in PHP files modified in current working copy of a Git repository. Show Sample Output

    git status -s | grep -o ' \S*php$' | while read f; do php -l $f; done
    ruslan · 2013-12-14 11:47:54 9
  • If the version already downloaded. it will not download again Show Sample Output

    wget -N --content-disposition
    rickyok · 2014-09-12 07:52:45 8
  • Really only valuable in a PHP-only project directory. This is using standard linux versions of the tools. On most older BSD variants of sed, use -E instead of -r. Or use: sed 's/\+[[:space:]]\{1,\}//' instead. Show Sample Output

    for i in `svn status | egrep '^(M|A)' | sed -r 's/\+\s+//' | awk '{ print $2 }'` ; do if [ ! -d $i ] ; then php -l $i ; fi ; done
    brephophagist · 2009-05-29 23:59:28 5

  • 0
    egrep -v "^[[:blank:]]*($|#|//|/\*| \*|\*/)" somefile
    sdadh01 · 2009-11-10 18:49:19 5
  • simply change extension for others programming languages

    for FILE in $(svn status | grep ? | grep .php); do svn add $FILE; done
    unixmonkey2005 · 2011-12-27 17:49:33 4
  • People are *going* to post the wrong ways to do this. It's one of the most common form-validation tasks, and also one of the most commonly messed up. Using a third party tool or library like exim means that you are future-proofing yourself against changes to the email standard, and protecting yourself against the fact that actually checking whether an email address is valid is *not possible*. Still, perhaps your boss is insisting you really do need to check them internally. OK. Read the RFCs. The bet before the @ is specified by RFC2821 and RFC2822. The domain name part is specified by RFC1035, RFC1101, RFC1123 and RFC2181. Generally, when people say "email address", they mean that part of the address that the RFC terms the "addr-spec": the "blah@domain.tld" address, with no display names, comments, quotes, etc. Also "root@localhost" and "root" should be invalid, as should arbitrary addressing schemes specified by a protocol indicator, like "jimbo@myprotocol:foo^bar^baz". So... With the smallest poetic license for readability (allowing underscores in domain names so we can use "\w" instead of "[a-z0-9]"), the RFCs give us: ^(?:"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)+"|[-^!#\$%&'*+\/=?`{|}~.\w]+)@(?=.{3,255}$)(?:[\w][\w-]{0,62}\.){1,128}[\w][\w-]{0,62}$ Not perfect, but the best I can come up with, and most compliant I've found. I'd be interested to see other people's ideas, though. It's still not going to verify you an address fersure, properly, 100% guaranteed legit, though. What else can you do? Well, you could also: * verify that the address is either a correct dotted-decimal IP, or contains letters. * remove reserved domains (.localhost, .example, .test, .invalid), reserved IP ranges, and so forth from the address. * check for banned domains (, * check for known TLDs including alt tlds. * see if the domain has an MX record set up: if so, connect to that host, else connect to the domain. * see if the given address is accepted by the server as a recipient or sender (this fails for yahoo.*, which blocks after a few attempts, assuming you are a spammer, and for other domains like, But these are moving well out of the realm of generic regex checks and into the realm of application-specific stuff that should be done in code instead - especially the latter two. Hopefully, this is all you needed to point out to your boss "hey, email validation this is a dark pit with no bottom, we really just want to do a basic check, then send them an email with a link in it: it's the industry standard solution." Of course, if you want to go nuts, here's an idea that you could do. Wouldn't like to do it myself, though: I'd rather just trust them until their mail bounces too many times. But if you want it, this (untested) code checks to see if the mail domain works. It's based on a script by John Coggeshall and Jesse Houwing that also asked the server if the specific email address existed, but I disliked that idea for several reasons. I suspect: it will get you blocked as a spambot address harvester pretty quick; a lot of servers would lie to you; it would take too much time; this way you can cache domains marked as "OK"; and I suspect it would add little to the reliability test. // Based on work by: John Coggeshall and Jesse Houwing. // mailRegex = '^(?:"(?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\.)+"|[-^!#\$%&\'*+\/=?`{|}~.\w]+)'; mailRegex .= '@(?=.{3,255}$)(?:[\w][\w-]{0,62}\.){1,128}[\w][\w-]{0,62}$'; function ValidateMail($address) {   global $mailRegex; // Yes, globals are evil. Put it inline if you want.   if (!preg_match($mailRegex)) {     return false;   }   list ( $localPart, $Domain ) = split ("@",$Email);   // connect to the first available MX record, or to domain if no MX record.   $ConnectAddress = new Array();   if (getmxrr($Domain, $MXHost)) {     $ConnectAddress = $MXHost;   } else {     $ConnectAddress[0] = $Domain;   }   // check all MX records in case main server is down - may take time!   for ($i=0; $i < count($ConnectAddress); $i++ ) {     $Connect = fsockopen ( $ConnectAddress[$i], 25 );     if ($Connect){       break;     }   }   if ($Connect) {     socket_set_blocking($Connect,0);     // Only works if socket_blocking is off.     if (ereg("^220", $Out = fgets($Connect, 1024))) {       fclose($Connect); // Unneeded, but let's help the gc.       return true;     }     fclose($Connect); // Help the gc.   }   return false; } Show Sample Output

    perl -e "print 'yes' if `exim -bt $s_email_here | grep -c malformed`;"
    DewiMorgan · 2012-02-28 04:42:41 5

  • 0
    php -e -c /path/to/php.ini -r 'echo "OK\n";';
    Gurre · 2012-08-08 15:05:10 6
  • Shows files and processes of the command php

    watch -d=c -n3 'lsof -itcp -iudp -c php'
    AskApache · 2013-03-14 01:24:50 5
  • Searched strings: passthru, shell_exec, system, phpinfo, base64_decode, chmod, mkdir, fopen, fclose, readfile Since some of the strings may occur in normal text or legitimately you will need to adjust the command or the entire regex to suit your needs.

    find ./public_html/ -name \*.php -exec grep -HRnDskip "\(passthru\|shell_exec\|system\|phpinfo\|base64_decode\|chmod\|mkdir\|fopen\|fclose\|readfile\) *(" {} \;
    lpanebr · 2013-04-03 12:42:19 9
  • I have found that base64 encoded webshells and the like contain lots of data but hardly any newlines due to the formatting of their payloads. Checking the "width" will not catch everything, but then again, this is a fuzzy problem that relies on broad generalizations and heuristics that are never going to be perfect. What I have done is set an arbitrary threshold (200 for example) and compare the values that are produced by this script, only displaying those above the threshold. One webshell I tested this on scored 5000+ so I know it works for at least one piece of malware.

    for ii in $(find /path/to/docroot -type f -name \*.php); do echo $ii; wc -lc $ii | awk '{ nr=$2/($1 + 1); printf("%d\n",nr); }'; done
    faceinthecrowd · 2013-04-05 19:06:17 11
  • Using PHP shell to URL decode a string. Show Sample Output

    echo "q+werty%3D%2F%3B" | php -r "echo urldecode(file_get_contents('php://stdin'));"
    kartikssj · 2013-07-17 11:37:36 25
  •  1 2 > 

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Set laptop display brightness
Run as root. Path may vary depending on laptop model and video card (this was tested on an Acer laptop with ATI HD3200 video). $ cat /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness to discover the possible values for your display.

Check a server is up. If it isn't mail me.
For some reason the 2&>1 does not work for me, but the shorter stdout/stderr redirection >& works perfectly (Ubuntu 10.04).

Change string in many files at once and more.
Find all files that contain string XXX in them, change the string from XXX to YYY, make a backup copy of the file and save a list of files changed in /tmp/fileschanged.

Remove color codes (special characters) with sed
Removes ANSI color and end of line codes to the [{attr1};...;{attrn}m format.

Perl Command Line Interpreter
My Programming Languages professor assigned my class a homework assignment where we had to write a Perl interpreter using Perl. I really like Python's interactive command line interpreter which inspired this Perl script.

Play online music videos in terminal
pvl 'link1' 'link2' 'link3' Play Youtube, Vimeo, etc links without visual elements. Great for music videos when you just want the audio. You can control mplayer with this! Hit Ctrl-C twice to exit (if you're playing multiple files)

Check SSH public and private keys matching
Tested in bash4

Prints per-line contribution per author for a GIT repository
Uses line-porcelain in git blame, which makes it easier to parse the output.

True random passwords using your microphone noise as seed
Generate a truly random password using noise from your microphone to seed the RNG. This will spit out 12 password with 12 characters each, but you can save this into a bash script and replace 'pwgen -ys 12 12' with 'pwgen $@' so you can pass any paramters to pwgen as you would normally do.

list all file extensions in a directory
If your grep doesn't have an -o option, you can use sed instead.

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