Commands tagged Postfix (8)

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Check These Out

Syntax Highlight your Perl code
This uses Text::Highlight to output the specified Perl file with syntax highlighting. A better alternative is my App::perlhl - find it on the CPAN:

What is my ip?

Remove stored .zip archive passwords from Windows credential manager
Don't want to log out but you do want to get rid of a stored .zip file password in Windows? This will do that.

Geolocate a given IP address
GeoIP Needs to be installed. Can be done from some distro's or via for free. There even is a free city database availabble. If the GeoLiteCity is downloaded and installed it will also find more information $ geoiplookup -f /var/lib/GeoIP/GeoLiteCity.dat GeoIP City Edition, Rev 1: US, NJ, Absecon, 08201, 39.420898, -74.497704, 504, 609

Clean up poorly named TV shows.
Replace 'SHOWNAME' with the name of the TV show. Add -n to test the command without renaming files. Check the 'sample output'.

validate json
I have this saved as jsonlint chmodded +x and file.js is instead $1, but YMMV

Find all plain text files that do not contain STRING

display emerge.log date in a human friendly way
gentoo only or gentoo-like linux distributions.

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

How to trim a video using ffmpeg
Will trim the video to 4 seconds starting from the beginning. The -vcodec , -acodec options are required so that ffmpeg knows in what video/audio format you want for the new video.

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