Also: * find . -type f -exec ls -s {} \; | sort -n -r | head -5 * find . -type f -exec ls -l {} \; | awk '{print $5 "\t" $9}' | sort -n -r | head -5
Here the pattern is '*.jar', you could pass in any pattern. Another, maybe nicer way to do this is You could replace sed with tr Show Sample Output
Converts a number of bytes provided as input, to a human readable number. Show Sample Output
This deals nicely with filenames containing special characters and can deal with more files than can fit on a commandline. It also avoids spawning du. Show Sample Output
Show the top 10 file size
With this sentence we can estimate the storage size of all files not named *.jpg on the current directory. The syntax is based on Linux, for Unix compliance use: find ./* -prune ! -name '*.jpg' -ls |awk '{TOTAL+=$7} END {print int(TOTAL/(1024^2))"MB"}' We can change the jpg extension for whatever extension what we need Show Sample Output
To sort the list by file/directory size, insert `sort -n |` before `awk`. Show Sample Output
Find biggest files in a directory Show Sample Output
Way more easy to understand for naive user. Just returns the biggest file with size.
It simply prints the file size in bytes. Show Sample Output
Show the top file size in human readable form is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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