Commands tagged httpd (18)

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Check These Out

save date and time for each command in history
for the change stay in your history file , export command by writing it into your .bashrc

add all files not under version control to repository
With the force options the same results can be achieved

Simulate typing
This will output the characters at 10 per second.

List installed deb packages by size

Convert CSV to JSON
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.

Extract audio from Flash video (*.flv) as mp3 file

Count all the files in the directory and child directories

repeat a command every one second
Short method of "while x=0; do foo ; sleep 1 ; done"

Check to make sure the whois nameservers match the nameserver records from the nameservers themselves
Change the $domain variable to whichever domain you wish to query. Works with the majority of whois info; for some that won't, you may have to compromise:; for a in $(whois $domain | grep "Domain servers in listed order:" --after 3 | grep -v "Domain servers in listed order:"); do echo ">>> Nameservers for $domain from $a

Find the package that installed a command

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