replaces "\n" with "+"
Read all lines using decimal marker as point, then add all them up and outputs the result. Show Sample Output
Good for summing the numbers embedded in text - a food journal entry for example with calories listed per food where you want the total calories. Use this to monitor and keep a total on anything that ouputs numbers. Show Sample Output
The original didn't use -print0 which fails on weird file names eg with spaces. The original parsed the output of 'ls -l' which is always a bad idea.
More of the same but with more elaborate perl-fu :-)
The command gives size of all files smaller than 1024k, this information, together with disk usage, can help determin file system parameter (e.g. block size) or storage device (e.g. SSD v.s. HDD). Note if you use awk instead of "cut| dc", you easily breach maximum allowed number of records in awk. Show Sample Output
In the file data.txt there is a single column of numbers. Sed adds a "+" between lines and xargs prepares the output for bc. The "echo 0" is to avoid to have a "+" at the beginning of the line. Show Sample Output
First the find command finds all files in your current directory (.). This is piped to xargs to be able to run the next shell pipeline in parallel. The xargs -P argument specifies how many processes you want to run in parallel, you can set this higher than your core count as the duration reading is mainly IO bound. The -print0 and -0 arguments of find and xargs respectively are used to easily handle files with spaces or other special characters. A subshell is executed by xargs to have a shell pipeline for each file that is found by find. This pipeline extracts the duration and converts it to a format easily parsed by awk. ffmpeg reads the file and prints a lot of information about it, grep extracts the duration line. cut and sed cut out the time information, and tr converts the last . to a : to make it easier to split by awk. awk is a specialized programming language for use in shell scripts. Here we use it to split the time elements in 4 variables and add them up. Show Sample Output
get the SHA256 sum signatur for a file Show Sample Output
Adds up the total memory used by all Stainless processes: 1 Stainless, 1 StainlessManager and 1 StainlessClient per tab open. Show Sample Output
This sums up the page count of multiple pdf files without the useless use of grep and sed which other commandlinefus use. Show Sample Output
sample.csv: 79.36,94.93,10.92,27.33,95.90 3.57, 20.80,67.06,2.16, 79.23 48.45,27.95,7.66, 56.71,59.97 69.02,89.59,33.88,42.73,22.60 10.15,44.86,70.86,98.45,22.23 Show Sample Output
Inspired by Tatsh's comment.
I can't put the last ^2 with seq, so I reverse it to delete the last +N. So for doing sum(N^2) you have to do sum((N+1)^2). Must be a better way. Show Sample Output
For all lines, sum the columns following the first one, and then print the first column plus the sum of all the other columns. example input: 1,2,3,4,5 2,2,3,4,5 becomes 1,14 2,14 is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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