Bash can accept '0x' and '0' notation for hexidecimal and octal numbers, so you just have to output the values. Show Sample Output
userful for direct copy & paste command for doumenation or next using Show Sample Output
Use the standard calculator bc to convert decimals to hex Show Sample Output
Good for summing the numbers embedded in text - a food journal entry for example with calories listed per food where you want the total calories. Use this to monitor and keep a total on anything that ouputs numbers. Show Sample Output
This modifies the output of ls so that the file size has commas every three digits. It makes room for the commas by destructively eating any characters to the left of the size, which is probably okay since that's just the "group". Note that I did not write this, I merely cleaned it up and shortened it with extended regular expressions. The original shell script, entitled "sl", came with this description: : ' : For tired eyes (sigh), do an ls -lF plus whatever other flags you give : but expand the file size with commas every 3 digits. Really helps me : distinguish megabytes from hundreds of kbytes... : : Corey Satten,, 11/8/89 : ' Of course, some may suggest that fancy new "human friendly" options, like "ls -Shrl", have made Corey's script obsolete. They are probably right. Yet, at times, still I find it handy. The new-fangled "human-readable" numbers can be annoying when I have to glance at the letter at the end to figure out what order of magnitude is even being talked about. (There's a big difference between 386M and 386P!). But with this nifty script, the number itself acts like a histogram, a quick visual indicator of "bigness" for tired eyes. :-) Show Sample Output
Using the standard numeric comparison but suppressing the STDERR output acts as the simplest way to check a value is numeric. See sample output for some examples. Show Sample Output
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