This command will replace all the spaces in all the filenames of the current directory with underscores. There are other commands that do this here, but this one is the easiest and shortest.
Good old bracket expansion :-) For large numbers of files, "rename" will spare you the for-loop, or the find/exec...
Opens a list of files in a text editor. Using Vim as your default editor allows you to use the power of regex substitution and visual block mode to batch rename files. Found in the renameutils package sudo apt-get install renameutils
Simple bash/ksh/sh command to rename all files from lower to upper case. If you want to do other stuff you can change the tr command to a sed or awk... and/or change mv to cp....
retrieve file names back from touch commands for them Show Sample Output
Adding course name prefix to lecture pdfs Show Sample Output
Removing Course name prefix added Show Sample Output
Use it as bash-script. The first positional parameter specifies the fixed length of the numerical index. Further params specify the files to manipulate.
replace (any number of) space[s] with underscore. Show Sample Output
Adding course name prefix to lecture pdfs
This got a bit complicated, because I had to introduce an additional dot at the end that has to be removed again later. is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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