Commands tagged demo (1)

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Check These Out

Find out current working directory of a process
This is an alternative to another command using two xargs. If it's a command you know there's only one of, you can just use: $ ls -l /proc/$(pgrep COMMAND)/cwd

Picture Renamer
jhead is a very nice tool to do all sorts of things with photographs, in a batch-oriented way. It has a specific function to rename files based on dates, and the format I used above was just an example.

Set gnome wallpaper to a random jpg from the specified directory
Every time this is run it will change your background picture. For added fun Add some DBUS magic: . $HOME/.dbus/session-bus/`cat /var/lib/dbus/machine-id`-0 export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS and a crontab entry: */5 * * * * >/dev/null 2>/dev/null now wallpaper changes every 5 mins

Re-emerge all ebuilds with missing files (Gentoo Linux)

Runs previous command replacing foo by bar every time that foo appears
Very useful for rerunning a long command changing some arguments globally. As opposed to ^foo^bar, which only replaces the first occurrence of foo, this one changes every occurrence.

Normalize volume output in MPlayer
Works really well for playing DVDs, which have the volume turned way down for some reason. The `2' method is better IMHO because it will adjust to changing loud/soft parts. If you want to add it to your ~/.mplayer/config: # format: volnorm[=method:target] # method: # 1: use single sample (default) # 2: multiple samples # target: # default is 0.25 af-add=volnorm=2:0.75

list block devices
Shows all block devices in a tree with descruptions of what they are.

looking for files not subversioned
En entornos de desarrollos muchas veces se mezclan ficheros y debemos revisar si algo se nos ha quedado fuera del proyecto. Con esta linea de comando busco todos los ficheros que no sean M ( modificados ) para valorar si tengo que agregarlo al repositorio de subversion. Adem?s siempre se me olvida como usar un condicional con awk para una columna :D

Using Git, stage all manually deleted files.

Generate a random left-hand password
Generates a random 8-character password that can be typed using only the left hand on a QWERTY keyboard. Useful to avoid taking your hand off of the mouse, especially if your username is left-handed. Change the 8 to your length of choice, add or remove characters from the list based on your preferences or kezboard layout, etc.

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