On the machine acting like a server, run:
iperf -s
On the machine acting like a client, run:
iperf -c ip.add.re.ss
where ip.add.re.ss is the ip or hostname of the server.
Show Sample Output
For each cpu set mask and then monitor your cpu infos. Temp,load avg. etc. For example for 2nd cpu or 2nd core taskset 0x00000002 yes > /dev/null & For example for 3rd cpu or 3rd core taskset 0x00000004 yes > /dev/null & For example for 4th cpu or 4th core taskset 0x00000008 yes > /dev/null & Monitor your cpu temp with this command if you want watch -n1 "acpi -t" Load avg. from top command top kerim@bayner.com http://www.bayner.com/
This loop will finish if a file hasn't changed in the last 10 seconds. . It checks the file's modification timestamp against the clock. If 10 seconds have elapsed without any change to the file, then the loop ends. . This script will give a false positive if there's a 10 second delay between updates, e.g. due to network congestion . How does it work? 'date +%s' gives the current time in seconds 'stat -c %Y' gives the file's last modification time in seconds '$(( ))' is bash's way of doing maths '[ X -lt 10 ]' tests the result is Less Than 10 otherwise sleep for 1 second and repeat . Note: Clever as this script is, inotify is smarter. Show Sample Output
Finds executable and existing directories in your path that can be useful if migrating a profile script to another system. This is faster and smaller than any other method due to using only bash builtin commands. See also: + http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/743/list-all-execs-in-path-usefull-for-grepping-the-resulting-list + http://www.askapache.com/linux-unix/bash_profile-functions-advanced-shell.html Show Sample Output
Applies each file operator using the built-in test.
testt /home/askapache/.sq
-a True - file exists.
-d True - file is a directory.
-e True - file exists.
-r True - file is readable by you.
-s True - file exists and is not empty.
-w True - the file is writable by you.
-x True - the file is executable by you.
-O True - the file is effectively owned by you.
-G True - the file is effectively owned by your group.
-N True - the file has been modified since it was last read.
Full Function:
testt ()
local dp;
until [ -z "${1:-}" ]; do
[[ ! -a "$1" ]] && dp="$PWD/$dp";
command ls -w $((${COLUMNS:-80}-20)) -lA --color=tty -d "$dp";
[[ -d "$dp" ]] && find "$dp" -mount -depth -wholename "$dp" -printf '%.5m %10M %#15s %#9u %-9g %#5U %-5G %Am/%Ad/%AY %Cm/%Cd/%CY %Tm/%Td/%TY [%Y] %p\n' -a -quit 2> /dev/null;
for f in a b c d e f g h L k p r s S t u w x O G N;
test -$f "$dp" && help test | sed "/-$f F/!d" | sed -e 's#^[\t ]*-\([a-zA-Z]\{1\}\) F[A-Z]*[\t ]* True if#-\1 "'$dp'" #g';
Show Sample Output
On the another machine write this command. pv -r /dev/zero | nc 7777 It will show live throughput between two machine.The destination machine ip is at our example You must multiply by 8 for the network calculation. You must install pv and netcat commands for this commands usage. kerim@bayner.com http://www.bayner.com/ Show Sample Output
Pre-packaged python script that comes with Debian/Ubuntu. Show Sample Output
`while true`: do forever `nc -l -p 4300 -c 'echo hello'`: this is the but anything can go here really `test $? -gt 0 && break`: this checks the return code for ctrl^c or the like and quite the loop, otherwise in order to kill the loop you'd have to get the parent process id and kill it. Show Sample Output
This command will output 1 if the given argument is a valid ip address and 0 if it is not. Show Sample Output
Move efficiently between directories.
This command adds a couple of extra features to cd, without affecting normal use.
CDPATH use is also unaffected. It introduces and environment variable CDDIR which is used as an alternate home directory.
Note: I don't want to alter $HOME because then all my dot files will move.
cd dir
Change directory to "dir" (using CDPATH if necessary)
cd dir/file.txt
Change directory to "dir" (containing folder of "file.txt")
This allows you to cut'n'paste, or use
CDDIR is unset
Change directory to $HOME
Change directory to /home/flatcap/work
For convenience, put the command, and the following, in your .bashrc or .bash_profile
export CDDIR="/home/flatcap/work"
alias cdd="CDDIR=$(pwd)"
Show Sample Output
Uses zsh globbing syntax to safely remove all the files known to be generated by LaTeX, but only if there is actually a .tex source file with the same basename present. So we don't accidentally delete a .nav .log or .out file that has nothing to do with LaTeX, e/'[[ -f ${REPLY:r}.tex ]]'/ actually checks for the existance of a .tex file of the same name, beforehand.
A different way to do this, would be to glob all *.tex files and generate a globbing pattern from them:
TEXTEMPFILES=(*.tex(.N:s/%tex/'(log|toc|aux|nav|snm|out|tex.backup|bbl|blg|bib.backup|vrb|lof|lot|hd|idx)(.N)'/)) ;
or, you could use purge() from grml-etc-core ( http://github.com/grml/grml-etc-core/blob/master/usr_share_grml/zsh/functions/purge )
Given a hosts list, ssh one by one and echo its name only if 'processname' is not running. Show Sample Output
For now just returns either "Success" or "Error". My awk-fu isn't strong enough to hackily parse out the error in case there is one, so I kept it simple. Show Sample Output
perl version of "Wait for file to stop changing" When "FileName" has not been changed for last 10 seconds, then print "DONE" "10" in "(stat)[10]" means ctime. One have other options like atime, mtime and others. http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/stat.html
Tests connection speed over HTTP request. Can use a lot of http mirrors of SAME file (Useful for test with Ubuntu mirrors, as example) and the split will be done opening connections in all urls if possible. -s Split connections in N number MAX=16 -j Set max concurrent downloads, must be equal to -s or will be restricted to this number. -x Set max connection per server, recommended to be the same of split. -k Min Split Size, default is 20MB, usefull to really force more splited connections over same file -d Directory to save the "file", in this case, /dev -o Points output to null --file-allocation=none Do not attempt to prealocate the file. --allow-overwrite=true Overwrite to /dev/null. Recommend use "rm /dev/null.aria2" after if runned as root. Show Sample Output
to test check if given variable is a digit / number Show Sample Output
Tested on bash, and follows all the rules about leap years. Show Sample Output
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