Create compressed, encrypted backup from $source to $targetfile with password $key and exclude-file $excludefile
The files are automatically uncompressed when they reach the destination machine. This is a fast way to backup your server to your local computer while it's running (shutting down services is recommended). A file named "exclude.txt" is needed at /tmp/ containing the following : /dev/* /media/* /mnt/* /proc/* /sys/* /tmp/* /home/*/.local/share/Trash /home/*/.gvfs /home/*/.cache /home/*/.thumbnails /etc/fstab /lib/modules/*/volatile/.mounted /var/run/* /var/lock/* /var/tmp/* /var/cache/apt/archives/* /lost+found/* Show Sample Output
this command can be added to crontab so as to execute a nightly backup of directories and store only the 10 last backup files.
Useful, when you need to backup/copy/sync a folder over ssh with a non standard port number
sets the option set ftp:ssl-allow false, excludes some files I don't want to synchronize
Great for backup / restore scripts. May want to remove the %M/%S to group backups by hour. If using a script, set a variable earlier with the date command, then reference that variable. Otherwise, time will keep on rolling ;-) declare -rx script_start_time="$(date '+./%Y/%m/%d/%H/%M/%S')" mkdir -p "$script_start_time" Show Sample Output
first line is the speed the uncompressed data is read, second line is the compressed data sent over ssh. change sdb to your target drive/partition to be backed up. change pbzip -c1 to suit your compression. and ssh to your target file. don't forget to run zerofree/fstrim first! Show Sample Output
This is just a little snippit to split a large file into smaller chunks (4mb in this example) and then send the chunks off to (e)mail for archival using mutt.
I usually encrypt the file before splitting it using openssl:
openssl des3 -salt -k <password> -in file.tgz -out file.tgz.des3
To restore, simply save attachments and rejoin them using:
cat file.tgz.* > output_name.tgz
and if encrypted, decrypt using:
openssl des3 -d -salt -k <password> -in file.tgz.des3 -out file.tgz
edit: (changed "g" to "e" for political correctness)
Simple Compressed Backup of the /etc Linux compatible
preserve all except context and xattr. useful when moving a running system to a new partition.
If you have a directory with lot of backups (full backups I mean), when it gets to some size, you could want to empty some space. With this command you'll remove half of the files. The command assumes that your backup files starts with YYYYMMDD or that they go some alphabetical order. Show Sample Output
backup your files in tar archive + timestamp of backup Show Sample Output
Very simple and useful, you need to change the word "directory" for your directory
This deals nicely with files having special characters in the file name (space ' or "). Parallel is from
This backup function preserve the file suffix allowing zsh suffix aliases and desktop default actions to work with the backup file too. Show Sample Output
An example config file is placed in the sample output along with the command line call to use it. The rsync daemon here is setup on the destination, thus requiring the read only = false flag. Also it uses uid and gid of root, change as required. Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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