Create a tar file in multiple parts if it's to large for a single disk, your filesystem, etc. Rejoin later with `cat .tar.*|tar xf -` Show Sample Output
Using 7z to create archives is OK, but when you use tar, you preserve all file-specific information such as ownership, perms, etc. If that's important to you, this is a better way to do it.
Sometimes it is handy to be able to list contents of a tar file within a compressed archive, such as 7Zip in this instance, without having to extract the archive first. This is especially helpful when dealing with larger sized files.
Part of the "atool" package.
Compress files or a directory to xz format. XZ has superior and faster compression than bzip2 in most cases. XZ is superior to 7zip format because it can save file permissions and other metadata data.
compress directory archive with xz compression, if tar doesn't have the -J option (OSX tar doesn't have -J)
Download video files from a bunch of sites (here is a list The options say: base filename on title, ignores errors and continue partial downloads. Also, stores some metadata into a .json file plz. Paste youtube users and playlists for extra fun. Protip: git-annex loves these files Show Sample Output
This can be used to delete or archive old mails. In fact, for archiving its a bit different, you need to archive mails with any tools (e.g archivemail), and then deleting (if you want!). Here we use -path ".*/cur/*" to avoid files limit in bash globbing and to search in any inbox (e.g .mymail .spam .whatever). ! -newermt "1 week ago" can be read: All files which is older than "1 week ago", adapt it in consequence. Show Sample Output
Magic line will extract almost all possible archives from current folder in its own folders. Don't forget to change USER name in sudo command. sed is used to create names for folders from archive names w/o extension. You can test sed expression, used in this command:
arg='' ; x=$(echo $arg|sed 's/\(.*\)\..*/\1/') ; echo $x
If some archives can't be extracted, install packages:
apt-get install p7zip-full p7zip-rar
Hope this will save a lot of your time. Enjoy.
use -xcvf to decompress
Description by segments delimited by pipe (|) 1. List all git branches 2. Exclude master 3. Trim output and remove display elements such as * next to current branch 4. Repeat branch name after a space (output on each line: branch_name branch_name) 5. Prepend each line with the git tag command 6. Execute the output with bash
Single file archives nested in subdirectories. After extracting them, you'll have the file (e.g. file.ext) and the archive (e.g. file.ext.nco) side by side. Sometimes you'll only have the archive (if you didn't extract them, or if there was an error during extraction). Only delete the archive if the single file is present in the same directory. Show Sample Output
the 'aunpack' command is part of atool
useful to give directory in archive some descriptive name instead of name from project tree
Create a 7zip archive named "some_directory.7z" and adds to it the directory "some_directory". The `-mhe=on` is for header encryption, basically it mangles the file names so no one knows whats inside the 7z. If -mhe=on wasn't included, then a person without the password would still be able to view the file names inside the 7z. Having this option ensures confidentiality. To ensure the result is small use lzma2, level 9 compression. Lzma2 fast bytes range from 5 to 272, the higher the number the more aggressive it is at finding repetitive bytes that can be added to the dictionary. Here the fast bytes are set to 64 bytes and the dictionary is 32 MB. Depending on your purposes (the directory size and desired file size), you can be more aggressive with these values. Lastly, `-ms=on` just says concatenate all the individual files and treat them as a singular file when compressing. This leads to a higher compression ratio generally.
This is just a little snippit to split a large file into smaller chunks (4mb in this example) and then send the chunks off to (e)mail for archival using mutt.
I usually encrypt the file before splitting it using openssl:
openssl des3 -salt -k <password> -in file.tgz -out file.tgz.des3
To restore, simply save attachments and rejoin them using:
cat file.tgz.* > output_name.tgz
and if encrypted, decrypt using:
openssl des3 -d -salt -k <password> -in file.tgz.des3 -out file.tgz
edit: (changed "g" to "e" for political correctness)
Used by virtualbox and others to create '.run' file.
This will unarchive the entire working directory. Good for torrents (I don't know why they put each file into a seperate archive). is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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