cd into the directory that contains the file. this is just the usual move command but shortcut'd. say you wanted to move a photo img1.png from ~/photos/holidayphotos into the parent directory which is ~/photos command would be: ~/photos/holidayphotos$ mv img1.png .. I use Ubuntu so this'll work in debian but not sure what else.
Gets the internal and external IP addresses of all your interfaces, or the ones given as arguments Show Sample Output
Like the given command, but combines _DISPLAY=":0.0"_ with _export DISPLAY_ to get _export DISPLAY=":0.0"_ and only imports if DISPLAY is set successfully.
I use this command in my Conky script to display the number of messages in my Gmail inbox and to list the from: and subject: fields. Show Sample Output
this work even if a partition table exist
the last person who posted used the most roundabout way to concatinate files, there's a reason there's a "conCATinate" command... Using this method, you also get to choose the order of the files, below another person just did *.txt > combined.txt which is fine but the order depends on the implementation of "cat" which is probably alphabetical order of filenames. Show Sample Output
Will rot 13 whatever parameter follows 'rot13', whether it is a string or a file. Additionally, it will rot 5 each digit in a number
Get the IP address of all your network cards. Show Sample Output
Get colorful fortunes dictated by an ASCII cow. For full enjoyment you'll need to have color setup enabled for your terminal.
Generate the iso from the disk, easily. same as "dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/mydisk.iso" is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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