Returns nothing if the domain exists and 'No match for' otherwise.
A quick alias to check if a domain is already registered or if it's available for purchase. Show Sample Output
You would need pwgen installed first, on ubuntu you can get it by apt-get
sudo apt-get install pwgen
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Useful if you f.i. want to block/allow all connections from a certain provider which uses successive netnames for his ip blocks. In this example I used the german Deutsche Telekom which has DTAG-DIAL followed by a number as netname for the dial in pools.
There are - as always ;) - different ways to do this. If you have seq available you can use
net=DTAG-DIAL ; for i in `seq 1 30`; do whois -h $net$i | grep '^inetnum:' | sed "s;^.*:;$net$i;" ; done
or without seq you can use bash brace expansion
net=DTAG-DIAL ; for i in {1..30}; do whois -h $net$i | grep '^inetnum:' | sed "s;^.*:;$net$i;" ; done
or if you like while better than for use something like
net=DTAG-DIAL ; i=1 ; while true ; do whois -h $net$i | grep '^inetnum:' | sed "s;^.*:;$net$i;" ; test $i = 30 && break ; i=$(expr $i + 1) ; done
and so on.
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Change the $domain variable to whichever domain you wish to query. Works with the majority of whois info; for some that won't, you may have to compromise:; for a in $(whois $domain | grep "Domain servers in listed order:" --after 3 | grep -v "Domain servers in listed order:"); do echo ">>> Nameservers for $domain from $a Note that this doesn't work as well as the first one; if they have more than 3 nameservers, it won't hit them all. As the summary states, this can be useful for making sure the whois nameservers for a domain match the nameserver records (NS records) from the nameservers themselves. Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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