Similar, but uses tarball instead of zip file
Git uses secure hash sums for its revision numbers. I'm sure this is fine and dandy for ultra-secure computing, but it's less than optimal for humans. Thus, this will give you sequential revision numbers in Git all the way from the first commit.
simple table
Assumes you've cd'd to the folder in which all your git repos reside; you could run it from ~ without -maxdepth, although that might make find take quite a while longer.
If you have several processor cores, but not that much ram, you might want to run
git config --global pack.threads 1
first, since gc-ing can eat lots of ram.
Show Sample Output
This command should be copy-pasted in Windows, but very similar one will work on Linux. It uses wget and sed.
references: use aha to output html:
After cloning an empty repository on the client ("git clone" just after "git init", for instance), "git push" fails. In order to be able to push to this repository for the first time, you need to run the above command. It will link your local "master" branch to the "master" branch in the origin server, and push the changes. This is only necessary only for the first push; after that, you can use just the commands "git push" or "git pull" in order to do this operations. Show Sample Output
The platform-agnostic version of because macOS doesn't have wget installed
Fetch comical VC commit messages from Show Sample Output
This is useful when you are uploading svn project files to a new git repo.
Creating feature-branches off master, and trying to merge them in an integration branch (preview), sometimes causes conflicts because the feature-branch might hold changes from 'master' that aren't on preview yet. So this ensures only the commits added to the feature-branch are moved to integration (preview). Note: This assumes you're currently on the feature-branch. Adjust 'master/preview' branch names to suit your environment.
Creates a git repository in a predefined location. Show Sample Output
Fetch comical VC commit messages from
g clone --local --bare . /repo.git g remote add alias /repo.git g push alias branch g log -p filename g checkout SHA1_rev g reset --hard g checkout -b new_branch g ls-files --deleted Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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