"cut" the user names from /etc/passwd and then running a loop over them. Show Sample Output
This is a standard procedure for me, whenever I set up a new Raspberry Pi system. Because the default user is "pi", I quickly replace it with my own (e.g. "kostis"), but I have to substitute that user to all of pi's groups first, before deleting the default account. xargs helps a lot with that in a single line, while avoiding boring "for" loops. For everything trickier, there's always "parallel" :)
Assuming a convention looking group file, this command will eject oldspiderman from the leagueofsuperfriends group and add newspiderman: oldspiderman:x:551: aquaman:x:552: superman:x:553: newspiderman:x:554: leagueofsuperfriends:x:1000:superman,oldspiderman,superman,aquaman
NSFW - use this on personal laptops where you want your personal user to have all the groups Show Sample Output
an alternative to this one with only 2 processes https://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/25844/quickly-add-a-new-user-to-all-groups-the-default-user-is-in
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