This simple command will copy a DVD losslessly to your drive and remove the encryption.
1. Copy the url of the streaming video mms://etc... or http://... 2. Open up a terminal. 3. the command 4. Wait for the stream dump.
Then run with,
play "franz ferdinand the fallen"
If you're running mpv, use this function:
play() { mpv --cache=4096 --cache-initial=256 <(youtube-dl -f 140 -o - ytsearch:"$1"); }
"$PWD" (in quotes) accounts for spaces and other characters normally escaped in file or folder names
Japanese subtitles are often encoded in shift-jis instead of utf-8, this avoids 文字化け when watching.
The above line is the meat of the script. What I do is have a key in uzbl that puts the current URL into the clipboard (use if I am on the YouTube page) or right click a link to a YouTube page, or however you want to get the URL into the clipboard. With xbindkeys I run this from the keyboard. The script: #!/bin/bash # Get URL from command line arg if given, else use clipboard. if [[ "$1" == "" ]] ; then url=$(xclip -o) else url="$1" fi # Strip it down to remove cruft url="${url%%&feature*}" url="${url%%&list*}" url="${url%%&index*}" # optional zenity --warning --timeout=1 --title="Running mplayer" --text="$url" mplayer $(youtube-dl -f best -g "$url" 2>/dev/null) Show Sample Output
grep -v '\(/dev/\|pipe:\|socket:\)' seemingly looks a bit complicated. This can, of course, be replaced by head -1. However, it is not sure whether the filename line will be first on all systems, so I chose the safer way by filtering out what is not needed here. Show Sample Output
Uses soxi instead of mplayer
just use build in option. Show Sample Output
Is a simple script for video streaming a movie
It's made for a script use, where you have 3 parameters: 1. parameter is the filename 2. (optional) the encoding for subtitles 3. (optional) the scaling of the video, since fullscreen doesn't mean that the video will be scaled.
An alias i made for myself to play music in a faster way. Works great when you have Guake / Tilda installed (Console that drops down like in the game QUAKE) --- I put this in my bash_alias file (I'm on ubuntu, the bash_alias file does autostart with the right config) but it works putting it in bashrc too. Or anything that autostarts when the console is opened. --- Needs Mplayer and music files to work. With out music theres nothing to play! Oh, and also, without modification, this alias will try to play stuff from your ~/Music folder! (case sensitive). Make sure that folder exists and has music OR edit this alias to fit your needs. Show Sample Output
This is the alias command that I discussed in my prior release which you can add to your ~/.bashrc. This command asks for the station name and then connects to somafm, Great for those who have linux home entertainment boxes and ssh enabled on them, just for the CLI fiends out there ( I know I'm one of them ;) You can find future releases of this and many more scripts at the teachings of master denzuko -
Permet de lire une video dans une console, meme sans interface graphique. Interet limite, mais a connaitre au cas ou. is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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