Commands tagged session (7)

  • The unlock command for KDE 4.3 has changed from krunner_lock, this process doesn't exist anymore. So here's the update :-) If qdbus complains about not being able to find X, put a "DISPLAY=:0 " (:0 being your X server display) in front of the command.

    qdbus org.kde.screenlocker /MainApplication quit
    Alanceil · 2009-08-27 13:57:00 4
  • A wrapper around ssh to automatically provide logging and session handling. This function runs ssh, which runs screen, which runs script. . The logs and the screen session are stored on the server. This means you can leave a session running and re-attach to it later, or from another machine. . . Requirements: * Log sessions on a remote server * Transparent - nothing extra to type * No installation - nothing to copy to the server beforehand . Features: * Function wrapper delegating to ssh - so nothing to remember - uses .ssh/config as expected - passes your command line option to ssh * Self-contained: no scripts to install on the server * Uses screen(1), so is: - detachable - re-attachable - shareable * Records session using script(1) * Configurable log file location, which may contain variables or whitespace L="$HOME" # local variable L="\$HOME" # server variable L="some space" . Limitations: * Log dir/file may not contain '~' (which would require eval on the server) . . The sessions are named by the local user connecting to the server. Therefore if you detach and re-run the same command you will reconnect to your original session. If you want to connect/share another's session simply run: USER=bob ssh root@server . The command above is stripped down to an absolute minimum. A fully expanded and annotated version is available as a Gist (git pastebin): . If you want to add timing info to script, change the command to: ssh(){ L="\$HOME/logs/$(date +%F_%H:%M)-$USER";/usr/bin/ssh -t "$@" "mkdir -p \"${L%/*}\";screen -xRRS $USER script --timing=\"$L-timing\" -f \"$L\"";} Show Sample Output

    ssh(){ L="\$HOME/logs/$(date +%F_%H:%M)-$USER";/usr/bin/ssh -t "$@" "mkdir -p \"${L%/*}\";screen -xRRS $USER script -f \"$L\"";}
    flatcap · 2015-10-14 13:14:29 11
  • When your ssh session hanged (probably due to some network issues) you can "kill" it by hitting those 3 keys instead of closing the entire terminal.

    slafs · 2012-12-19 17:53:50 6
  • in this examp start htop command in tmux session over the shell cosole and set title for the tmux without doing it manuelly in tmux

    tmux new-session -d -s "SessionName" "htop"
    aysadk · 2019-06-14 12:44:33 46
  • Allows system to be halted and session closed by KDE. Very useful to save applications states, especially with the KDE apps that behave correctly.

    qdbus org.kde.ksmserver /KSMServer logout 0 2 2
    Aissen · 2012-03-12 19:48:08 4
  • Sometimes there are just no variables such as $DESKTOP_SESSION, $GDMSESSION, or $WINDOWMANAGER. Show Sample Output

    ls -l /usr/share/xsessions/
    puresky · 2014-01-17 05:09:18 8
  • This counts all established sessions on port 80. You can change :80 to any port number you want to check. Show Sample Output

    netstat -anp | grep :80 | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l
    krizzo · 2015-04-10 19:32:31 12

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