Run this command as root to get enough stats. It works on AMD and Intel machines, including desktops. If ran on a laptop it'll give you suggestions on extending your battery life. You'll need to install PowerTOP if you don't have, via 'apt-get install powertop', etc. To grep the output use: sudo powertop -d | grep ... The many command suggestions PowerTOP gives you alone will increase your command-line fu! Show Sample Output
I'm not sure what apt this is, but it seems to work on most X screens, an is useful for saving power, and not straining your eyes Show Sample Output
[Note: This command needs to be run as root]. If you are downloading something large at night, you can start wget as a normal user and issue the above command as root. When the download is done, the computer will automatically go to sleep. If at any time you feel the computer should not go to sleep automatically(like if you find the download still continuing in the morning), just create an empty file called nosleep in /tmp directory.
Use the command to create a script and bind it to a key using keyboard shortcut. eg: Script locks the screen in a loop until the command is executed again.At first it
Wakes up a computer on your LAN with a Wake-On-LAN packet. MAC Address must match the NIC MAC, computer must have WOL enabled in the BIOS. Show Sample Output
Force computer "idle" state when lid is closed, regardless of inhibitors (power manager) in place, and runs logind preset action (sleep, suspend...). See is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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