Commands tagged xkcd (32)

  • Doesn't use shuf, its much faster with "shuf -n4" instead of sort -R Show Sample Output

    sort -R /usr/share/dict/british | grep -v -m4 ^\{1,10\}$ | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] | tr "\n" " " | tr -d "'s" | xargs -0 echo
    takac · 2011-08-16 10:11:21 5
  • If you do not have shuf or an -R option in sort, you can fall back on awk. This provides maximum portability IMO. The command first collects words from the dictionary that match the criteria - in this case: lower case words with no punctuation that are 4 to 8 characters long. It then prints 4 random entries. I decided to print each word on a separate line to improve readability.

    awk 'BEGIN {srand} /^[a-z]{4,8}$/ {w[i++]=$0} END {while (j++<4) print w[int(rand*i)]}' /usr/share/dict/words
    putnamhill · 2011-08-18 02:09:42 4
  • The first grep rejects capitalised words since the dict has proper nouns in it that you mightn't want to use. The second grep rejects words with ending in apostrophe s, and the third forces the words to be at least 15 characters long. Show Sample Output

    cat /usr/share/dict/words | grep -P ^[a-z].* | grep -v "'s$" | grep -Pv ^.\{1,15\}$ | shuf -n4 | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/$/\n/'
    bugmenot · 2011-08-15 01:03:48 7
  • full command: for fn in xkcd*.png xkcd*.jpg; do; echo $fn; read xw xh <<<$(identify -format '%w %h' $fn); nn="$(echo $fn | sed 's/xkcd-\([0-9]\+\)-.*/\1/')"; wget -q -O xkcd-${nn}.json$nn/info.0.json; tt="$(sed 's/.*"title": "\([^"]*\)", .*/\1/' xkcd-${nn}.json)"; at="$(sed 's/.*alt": "\(.*\)", .*/\1/' xkcd-${nn}.json)"; convert -background white -fill black -font /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSansBold.ttf -pointsize 26 -size ${xw}x -gravity Center caption:"$tt" tt.png; convert -background '#FFF9BD' -border 1x1 -bordercolor black -fill black -font /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf -pointsize 16 -size $(($xw - 2))x -gravity Center caption:"$at" at.png; th=$(identify -format '%h' tt.png); ah=$(identify -format '%h' at.png); convert -size ${xw}x$(($xh+$th+$ah+5)) "xc:white" tt.png -geometry +0+0 -composite $fn -geometry +0+$th -composite at.png -geometry +0+$(($th+$xh+5)) -composite ${fn%\.*}_cmp.png; echo -e "$fn $nn $xw $xh $th $ah \n$tt \n$at\n"; done this assumes that all comics are saved as xkcd-[number]-[title].{png|jpg}. it will then download the title and alt-text, create pictures from them, and put everything together in a new png-file. it's not perfect, but it worked for nearly all my comics. it uses the xkcd-json-interface. though it's poorly written, it doesn't completely break on

    for fn in xkcd*.png xkcd*.jpg; do echo $fn; read xw xh <<<$(identify -format '%w %h' $fn); nn="$(echo $fn | sed 's/xkcd-\([^-]\+\)-.*/\1/')"; wget -q -O xkcd-${nn}.json$nn/info.0.json; tt="$(sed 's/.*"title": "\([^"]\+\)",.*/\1/' ...
    fpunktk · 2012-01-06 20:26:11 9

  • -2
    Amharic software
    Haimar19 · 2013-08-25 16:01:29 7
  • Add an alias to your .bashrc that allows you to issue the command xkcd to view (with gwenview) the newest xkcd comic... I know there are thousands of them out there but this one is at least replete with installer and also uses a more concise syntax... plus, gwenview shows you the downloading progress as it downloads the comic and gives you a more full featured viewing experience.

    echo alias xkcd="gwenview `w3m -dump|grep png | awk '{print $5}'` 2> /dev/null" >> .bashrc
    GinoMan2440 · 2010-01-30 20:38:16 6
  • KISS To get a random xkcd comic: xdg-open

    unixmonkey8024 · 2010-08-25 19:14:11 4
  •  < 1 2

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Generate an XKCD #936 style 4 word password
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find files beginning with filename* that do not include "string"
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send tweets to twitter (and get user details)
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