Commands tagged arecord (1)

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Print just line 4 from a textfile
this method should be the fastest

list files recursively by size

Join flv files

shows history of logins on the server
perfect on a crashed system where you can't use commands like last. for investigation purposes wtmp file can be copied over to a different server and read with utmpdump

Get the Volume labels all bitlocker volumes had before being encrypted
Get information of volume labels of bitlocker volumes, even if they are encrypted and locked (no access to filesystem, no password provided). Note that the volume labels can have spaces, but only if you name then before encryption. Renaming a bitlocker partition after being encrypted does not have the same effect as doing it before.

Create a video screencast of any x11 window, with audio
The script gets the dimensions and position of a window and calls ffmpeg to record audio and video of that window. It saves it to a file named output.mkv

Change/Modify timestamp

A function to find the newest file in a directory
Works recusivley in the specified dir or '.' if none given. Repeatedly calls 'find' to find a newer file, when no newer files exist you have the newest. In this case 'newest' means most recently modified. To find the most recently created change -newer to -cnewer.

Send apache log to syslog-ng
Send apache log to syslog-ng server without change configuration of syslog. Just add in httpd.conf or vhost conf.

detect the fastest ldap server on a intranet
This command line detect ldap hosts, by mandatory dns entry, then ping them to detect response average. based on ping response average it sorts and print the faster server in first output line

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