it also works with the chrome browser. The alternative with tail and nc doesn't
or you can add "-x" to get a typical hexdump like output Show Sample Output
Create a serial console with "socket (named pipe)" of "/tmp/socket", "from:server, to:virtual machine" in vmware player, etc.. gui. Run the above command after you have booted the guest OS (which should also be configured for serial console).
Lots of scripts show you how to use socat to send an email to an SMTP server; this command actually emulates an SMTP server! It assumes the client is only sending to one recipient, and it's not at all smart, but it'll capture the email into a log file and the client will stop retrying. I used this to diagnose what emails were being sent by cron and subsequently discarded, but you can use it for all sorts of things. Show Sample Output
Say I have configured a fully optimized squid server A listen on [xxxx:xxxx::xxxx]:3128, within ISP_foo. But when I was with ISP_bar , I can not access the proxy with full speed due to ISP's limit upon the normal clients among different ISP. If you are curious where the ridiculous ISPs are, I'll tell you the truth --that's CHINA. However, servers' network connection is not enslaved to that limitation, especially with IPv6. So, I can do this socat linefu on a server B of ISP_bar. me >> B(ISP_bar)>> A(ISP_foo)
Forward local UDP port to remotetarget via ssh.
You should really use keys. Really. I'm serious. But if you have to add your key, change password etc. for a long list of servers, this might help.
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