outputs a f=220Hz guitar string sound (fifth string A) needs ALSA
The original was a little bit too complicated for me. This one does not use any variables.
Plays whitenoise from /dev/urandom. Show Sample Output
Record off the microphone on a remote computer and listen to it live through your speakers locally. Show Sample Output
Outputs pseudo-random sounds to speakers (stereo mode because of -c 2) when there are any kind of network activity. Show Sample Output
If your script needs to be run in a terminal, this line at the top will stop it running if you absent-mindedly double-click the icon, perhaps intending to edit it. (Of course this won't help with scripts that run in the background.)
Updated to the new version of the MW webpage (seems MW does not use cougar anymore, so the other commands do not work nowadays), and using Xidel to parse the page with a html parser instead regex.
Example usage:
pronounce onomatopoetic
I'm not sure how well Xidel works with binary streams (although it seems to work great in tests), so using wget to download the actual wav file might be safer, i.e.:
pronounce(){ wget -qO- $(xidel "http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/$*" -f "replace(css('.au')[1]/@onclick,\".*'([^']+)', *'([^']+)'.*\", '/audio.php?file=\$1&word=\$2')" -e 'css("embed")[1]/@src') | aplay -q;}
Xidel is not a standard cli tool and has to be downloaded from xidel.sourceforge.net
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