This is an alternative to cron which allows a one-off task to be scheduled for a certain time.
You can write a script that does this :
remind <minutes> [<message>]
Downloads at 12:00
Set an alarm to starts in specific time. Show Sample Output
There are a lot of commands, which invokes your player at specified time. But I prefer not to jump from by bed, when alarm start to play. Instead, this script increases volume of mpd over time, which much more pleasant when you just woke up :)
I find it very handy to be able to quickly see the most recently modified/created files in a directory. Note that the "q" option will reveal any files with non-printable characters in their filename. Show Sample Output
I like the order of the arguments better this way.
The simplest way to do it. Works for me, at least. (Why are the variables being set?)
Send an e-mail to SMS reminder in 15 minutes from now, to call my wife. See list of carriers bellow Carrier Email to SMS Gateway Alltel [10-digit phone number] AT&T (formerly Cingular) [10-digit phone number] [10-digit phone number] (MMS) [10-digit phone number] Boost Mobile [10-digit phone number] Nextel (now Sprint Nextel) [10-digit telephone number] Sprint PCS (now Sprint Nextel) [10-digit phone number] [10-digit phone number] (MMS) T-Mobile [10-digit phone number] US Cellular [10-digit phone number] (SMS) [10-digit phone number] (MMS) Verizon [10-digit phone number] [10-digit phone number] (MMS) Virgin Mobile USA [10-digit phone number] Show Sample Output
you can also run "xmms2 pause & at now +5min
setup for reminder in 5 days, added the date in the future. To run a job at 4pm three days from now, you would do at 4pm + 3 days, to run a job at 10:00am on July 31, you would do at 10am Jul 31 and to run a job at 1am tomorrow, you would do at 1am tomorrow. Show Sample Output
You think Expansys in all these countries will sell the HTC Desire for the same price? Well, you'll be surprised. Most of them will be sold at 499.99 EUR but the cheapest can be found in Germany and the most expensive, in Belgium.
This command will create a popup reminder window to assist in remembering tasks is how it looks when created Show Sample Output
If you frequently need to connect to your ubersecure mainframe from various uberunsafe machines, you have to face difficult decision: (a) type the password everytime during the session (lame), (b) add local public key to mainframes authorized_keys file (unsafe), (c) as above, but remove this key at the end of the session (pain in the a55). So let's say you save The Command to tempauth file in bin directory of your mainframe's account and make it executable. Then, while you're on one of these unsafe ones, do:
cat $HOME/.ssh/|ssh bin/tempauth 30
and password prompts stop the harassment for 30 minutes and you don't have to care to remove the unsafe key after that.
This is helpful for shell scripts, I use it in my custom php install script to schedule to delete the build files in 3 hours, as the php install script is completely automated and is made to run slow. Does require at, which some environments without crontab still do have. You can add as many commands to the at you want. Here's how I delete them in case the script gets killed. (trapped) atq |awk '{print $1}'|xargs -iJ atrm J &>/dev/null
Nice little alarm clock to wake you up on time (hopefully). You can also do 'echo "vlc path/to/song" | at 6:00
The command when added in screenrc enables logging all open windows by using the C-l (control-l key combination) and disable by C-o . The lines need to be added in separate lines .
Line can be modified as needed. This considers weekdays to be Mon-Fri. If run any working day it'll provide a parameters for the next working day for "at". "beep" provided as a sample command. This can be modified easily to include wait time. If you need something to run "D" days after today: # D=4;if [ $(date +%u --date="${D} days") -lt 5 ];then AT="+${D} days";else AT="next monday";fi; echo "beep" | at noon ${AT}
Kills all windows in a gnu screen session and terminates it , on pressing Control-f , useful in closing screen session with large number of windows . Add it to your screenrc .
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down periods of work into 25-minute intervals called 'Pomodori' (from the Italian word for 'tomatoes') separated by short breaks. You need to prepare a short .wav file (the "ring.wav" in the sample command line). This command will trigger aplay to play ring.wav 25 minutes from now on, which can be used as a poor man's pomodoro timer. Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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