hypnotizing pendulum
works in /bin/bash
This will clear the current playlist.
Almost exactly same command can be used with xmms2:
xmms2 clear && xmms2 add http://twit.am:80/listen && xmms2 play
Show Sample Output
Testing in a TTY terminal , not emulator . Show Sample Output
Requires jq (JSON parser)
Clears the history, clear the terminal and clear the scroll-back. The .bash_history will not be affected but every command done before will NOT be recorded to .bash_history. The CTRL+R won't show previous commands and it will be impossible to scroll-up to see what you've done so far. In a word, it cover your tracks.
Shows available disk space on sda1 animated with colors Show Sample Output
Remove clear; sleep 5 and echo for not doing sample!
shell loop to scan netstat output avoiding loolback aliases (local/remote swap for local connections) Show Sample Output
See smbstatus Output within a 5 second interval (for monitoring smb access)
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