.flac is the filetype. /Volumes/Music/FLAC is the destination. Show Sample Output
if you use disk-based swap then it can defeat the purpose of this function.
Copy every file from current directory to destination preserving modification time.
copies all files from the source disk / (skipping boundaries of mouted -in volumes) to /mnt/mydisk. Logical links are being preserved as well as devices, pipes etc. This can copy a MacOS X or Linux volume and keep it bootable. Note: its not suited to copy files with MacOS 9 style resources.
This assumes you have the 'rpm', 'rpm2cpio' and 'cpio' packages installed. This will extract the contents of the RPM package to your current directory. This is useful for working with the files that the package provides without installing the package on your system. Might be useful to create a temporary directory to hold the packages before running the extraction:
mkdir /tmp/new-package/; cd /tmp/new-package
Clone linux installation.
Copy changed files from remote git repository, _including binary ones_, staged and unstaged alike. Note that this command doesn't handle deleted files properly.
Copy data to the destination using commands such as cpio (recommended), tar, rsync, ufsdump, or ufsrestore. Example: Let the source directory be /source, and let the destination directory be /destination. # cd /source # cd .. # find ./source -depth -print | cpio -cvo> /destination/source_data.cpio # cd /destination # cpio -icvmdI ./source_data.cpio # rm -rf ./source_data.cpio
Archive all .sh files in a directory into a gzip archive.
Get the list of changed files between revision 43 and HEAD revision: svn diff . -r43:HEAD --summarize Strip extra 8 characters from every line: cut -c9-99999 Copy the listed files to home/me/destination: cpio -pvdmu ~/destination Make a plain copy (-p), list files being copied (-v), create needed directories (-d), preserve modification time (-m), overwrite unconditionally (-u) Show Sample Output
this command extracts an initrd files into the "tmp" directory
This commands compresses the "tmp" directory into an initrd file.
Copy changed files from the remote git repository, _including binary ones_, staged and unstaged alike. Note that this command doesn't handle deleted files properly. The reverse of the excellent command by Ivan.
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