this is helpful because dmesg is where i/o errors, etc are logged to... you will also be able to see when the system reboots or someone attaches a thumb drive, etc. don't forget to set yourself up in /etc/aliases to get roots email.
This is how I list the crontab for all the users on a given system that actually have a crontab. You could wrap it with a function block and place it in your .profile or .bashrc for quick access. There's prolly a simpler way to do this. Discuss. Show Sample Output
added echo "### Crontabs for $user ####"; to make clear whose crontab is listed.
additionally use "find /etc/cron*" for cronscripts Show Sample Output
The "-u USER" is optional if root user is used
Old cron doesn't allow periods
added echo "### Crontabs for $user ####"; to make clear whose crontab is listed.
I needed to add a line to my crontab from within a script and didn't want to have to write my own temporary file.
You may find you need to reload the crond after this to make the change take effect.
if [ -x /sbin/service ]
/sbin/service crond reload
CRON_PID=`ps -furoot | awk '/[^a-z]cron(d)?$/{print $2}'`
if [ -n "$CRON_PID" ]
The reason I had CRON_HOUR and CRON_MINS instead of numbers is that I wanted to generate a random time between midnight & 6AM to run the job, which I did with:
CRON_HOUR=`/usr/bin/perl -e 'printf "%02d\n", int(rand(6))'`
CRON_MINS=`/usr/bin/perl -e 'printf "%02d\n", int(rand(60));'`
this lets you edit a crontab file (which may be used as a backup as well) and insert this into your crontab. this way is especially handy, when multiple users are working on one account (e.g. root) is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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