Evoke from the command like as:
timeDNS commandlinefu.com
This isn't too terribly practical, but it is a good code example of using subshells to run the queries in parallel and the use of an "anonymous function" (a/k/a "inline group") to group i/o.
I'm assuming you have already defined your local DNS cache as ${local_DNS}, (here, it's
You do need to install `moreutils` to get `sponge`.
If you're willing to wait, a slower version w/o sponge, (and w/o sorting), is this:
DNS () { for x in "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; do (echo -n "$x "; dig @"$x" "$*"|grep Query) ; done ; }
Show Sample Output
shorter (thus better ;-) Show Sample Output
Watch a dig in progress Show Sample Output
Strips the non-ip information from the dig output. Could be combined with "head -1" to ensure a single ip is returned. Useful for outputting as a variable for use in scripts. Show Sample Output
This function uses timetrans from the dnssec-tools to calculate the remaining time until a dns entry reaches its time to live and is fetched from the authoritive nameserver again. Show Sample Output
Works for multiple hosts (such as www.google.com) and/or wrong hosts. Show Sample Output
Asks Google what your current IP address is. Bonus: Remove "@ns1.google.com" and you will instead get the IP address of your DNS server.
This command does something similar using dig which is usually more available. Show Sample Output
It is a much better tool then nslookup for getting information about the any site.It has got better capability too.For reverse information please use the switch "-x" and the ip address. Show Sample Output
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