Commands using dumpe2fs (5)

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Check These Out

urldecode with AWK
Fast and simple awk urldecoder! Note: Parameter -n is specific to GNU awk

Create incremental snapshots of individual folders using find and tar-gzip
Creates an incremental snapshot of individual folders.

List all symbolic links in current directory
why go through the hard way? use find with -type l

Check every URL redirect (HTTP status codes 301/302) with curl

which process has a port open

Watch RX/TX rate of an interface in kb/s
Just a simple way without the need of additional tools. Of course, replace eth0 with your IF.

More precise BASH debugging

Remove Thumbs.db files from folders

Archive all folders in a directory into their own tar.bz2 file
Remove the "echo" to actually archive. Many similar commands are found on commandlinefu but I end up needing this very specific one from time to time. To extract any of them, use the standard tar.bz2 extract command: $tar xvjf folder1.tar.bz2

Use Dell Service Tag $1 to Find Machine Model [Model Name and Model Number]
255 Max Characters CommandLineFu for $dellurl=''

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