expr will give you a quick way to do basic math from the CLI. Make sure you escape things like * and leave a space between operators and digits. Show Sample Output
Generates labyrinth-like pattern on UTF-8 terminal in bash. For fun ;) Show Sample Output
watch the seconds of your life tick away - replace YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:ss w/ your birthtime.
Same as original, but works in bash
EXAMPLES jb "next sun 12pm" "/bin/sh ~you/1.sh" & jb "2010-08-29 12:00:00" "~you/1.sh" & jb "29aug2010 gmt" ". ~you/1.sh" & jb 12:00p.m. "nohup ./1.sh" & jb 1min "echo stop!" & SEE ALSO parsedate(3) strftime(3)
Take a screenshot every 2 seconds and save it as a png file
command was too long... this is the complete command: fname=$1; f=$( ls -la $fname ); if [ -n "$f" ]; then fsz=$( echo $f | awk '{ print $5 }' ); if [ "$fsz" -ne "0" ]; then nrrec=$( wc -l $fname | awk '{ print $1 }' ); recsz=$( expr $fsz / $nrrec ); echo "$recsz"; else echo "0"; fi else echo "file $fname does not exist" >&2; fi First the input is stored in var $fname The file is checked for existance using "ls -lart". If the output of "ls -lart" is empty, the error message is given on stderr Otherwise the filelength is taken from the output of "ls -lart" (5th field) With "wc -l" the number of records (or lines) is taken. The record size is filelength devided by the number of records. please note: this method does not take into account any headers, variable length records and only works on ascii files where the records are sperated by 0x0A (or 0x0A/0x0D on MS-DOS/Windows). Show Sample Output
Should work with sh, bash, etc. Show Sample Output
I have this in my .bash_aliases and call it before running apt-get install or apt-get upgrade Example: alias apt-install='apt-update; apt-get install' alias apt-upgrade='apt-update; apt-get upgrade' function apt-update () { if [[ $(expr $(date +%s) - $(stat -c %X /var/lib/apt/periodic/update-success-stamp)) -gt 86400 ]]; then sudo apt-get update else echo apt is up to date fi }
Change HH:MM with your target time. This is for a Debian/Ubuntu GNU system. You need bash (package bash), date (package coreutils) and toilet (package toilet). Install with: # apt-get install bash coreutils toilet toilet-fonts
plays with bash arrays. instead of storing the list of files in a temp file, this stores the list in ram, retrieves the last element in the array (the last html file), then removes it.
Matrix Screen HPUX
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