Commands using fgrep (8)

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Check These Out

Protect directory from an overzealous rm -rf *
Forces the -i flag on the rm command when using a wildcard delete.

Copy via tar pipe while preserving file permissions (run this command as root!)
It's the same like 'cp -p' if available. It's faster over networks than scp. If you have to copy gigs of data you could also use netcat and the tar -z option in conjunction -- on the receiving end do: # nc -l 7000 | tar -xzvpf - ...and on the sending end do: # tar -czf - * | nc otherhost 7000

Convert every eps in a directory to pdf
Converts every *.eps file to a *.pdf file

Restore deleted file from GIT repository
This command will automatically find the latest version of the file that was deleted and restore it to it's previous location. If, of course, your file was kept in a git repository... I found this command on

rsync over ssh via non-default ssh port
tested on cygwin and Fedora 9 . good to remember for those jobs where you cannot set a site-specific connect option in your ~/.ssh/config file.

Get Futurama quotations from servers

Find the package that installed a command

Rename all .jpeg and .JPG files to .jpg

dump a single table of a database to file

Convert CSV to JSON
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.

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