Commands using gzip (59)

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Check These Out

Finding the number of cpu's

Find the date of the first commit in a git repository
Finds the date of the first commit in a git repository branch

removing syncronization problems between audio and video
This assumes that there is a 10.2 sec delay between the video and the audio (delayed). To extract the original video into a audio and video composites look at the command on extracting audio and video from a movie

change exif data in all jpeg's
this takes every jpg in the current directory and changes the exif data for manufactur and model. in my case i change it to LOMO LC-A because my scanner puts his data in there :]

Convert the contents of a directory listing into a colon-separated environment variable
Useful for making a CLASSPATH out of a list of JAR files, for example. Also: export CLASSPATH=.:$(find ./lib -name '*.jar' -printf '%p:')

See how many % of your memory firefox is using

Replace all forward slashes with backward slashes
Use -i option to edit directly a file: sed -i 's|\/|\\|g' file

Install pip with Proxy
Installs pip packages defining a proxy

Remove the first character of each line in a file

Export unpushed files list

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