Disabling an interface's multicast filter is like disabling IGMP snooping on a switch. It is useful for testing and troubleshooting.
more variety
Returns the IP, broadcast, and subnet mask of your interfaces absent any other extraneous info. I know it's a bit lame, but I've created an alias for this when I *quickly* want to know what a system's IP is. Small amounts of time add up :) Show Sample Output
A method for aquiring the ip address using zsh. If you prefer the use of iproute2 (which, frankly, you should) then the following should provide the same (ip outputs CIDR addresses): print ${$(ip -o -4 a s eth0)[4]} we could also pass a qualifier to take only the IP and not the (CIDR) mask print ${$(ip -o -4 a s eth0)[4]:h} or, similarly, for the MAC address: print ${$(ip l l eth0)[15]}
Many tasks need mac id check. above command exactly do the same Show Sample Output
I just use this to see my ip on the server I'm working on Show Sample Output
Thx Mass1 for the sharing
merge ifconfig grep awk sed you need to change the interface of ifconfig where ip is up Show Sample Output
Set's up ETH0 to use DHCP, easy way
Plenty of commands out there for finding external IP, but sometimes getting the [internal] IP bound to the NIC handling Internet traffic is useful. Probably not production worthy, but a useful quick kludge. Assumes IPv4 and no fancy routing. Show Sample Output
same thing as the other
This is helpful if you connect to several networks with different subnets such as 192 networks, 10 networks, etc. Cuts first three octets of ip from ifconfig command and runs nmap ping scan on that subnet. Replace wlan0 with your interface. Assumes class c network, if class b use: cut -d "." -f 1-2 and change nmap command accordingly.
On wired connections set 'eth0' instead of 'wlan0'
get desired info from machine and pipe it txt file. Show Sample Output
Found this useful for scripts where I needed to work with the machine's IP. If $DEVICE is not specified, this will return all IPs on the machine. If $DEVICE is set to a network adapter, it will return just that adapter's IP.
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