Commands using less (60)

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Check These Out

parse and format IP:port currently in listen state without net tools
Useful for containers and environments where you need to know if a port is currently in listen mode but you have not easy way or privileges to install net-tools like netstat or ss. "0A" is the code for listen state. The IP hex is reverse order and all in hex format.

Email yourself a short note
I created this so I could send myself an email alert when a long-running job was finished, e.g., $ my_long_job.exe ; quickemail my_long_job.exe has finished

Get AWS temporary credentials ready to export based on a MFA virtual appliance
You might want to secure your AWS operations requiring to use a MFA token. But then to use API or tools, you need to pass credentials generated with a MFA token. This commands asks you for the MFA code and retrieves these credentials using AWS Cli. To print the exports, you can use: `awk '{ print "export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=\"" $1 "\"\n" "export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=\"" $2 "\"\n" "export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=\"" $3 "\"" }'` You must adapt the command line to include: * $MFA_IDis ARN of the virtual MFA or serial number of the physical one * TTL for the credentials

Debug redirects between production reloads
Watches the headers of a curl, following any redirects and printing only the HTTP status and the location of the possible redirects.

Url Encode

a short counter
Maybe you know shorter ?

convert from decimal to hexadecimal
Use the standard calculator bc to convert decimals to hex

Get the 10 biggest files/folders for the current direcotry
This command simply outputs 10 files in human readable, that takes most space on your disk in current directory.

Find and copy scattered mp3 files into one directory
No problem with word splitting. That should works on many Unix likes.

Search replace with Ansible style timestamps
$ ls httpd.conf httpd.conf.2015-07-22@14:43:20

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