Commands using link (10)

  • I prefer the ip command to ifconfig as ifconfig is supposedly going to be deprecated. Certain IP address aliases can only be seen with the ip command (such as the ones applied by RHCS).

    ip link show
    d34dh0r53 · 2010-03-01 20:10:27 5
  • The output of ifconfig is localized, using it will fail in non-English environment. "ip" command in iproute2 provides a consistent output and thus is more robust Show Sample Output

    ip link | awk '/link/ {print $2}'
    6bc98f7f · 2011-03-25 06:26:08 4
  • I much prefer using /sbin/ip over /sbin/ifconfig for most everything. I find the interface and output to be much more consistent and it has many abilities that ifconfig, route, etc. do not. To get the mac address for only one interface, add 'show dev [interface]' to the 'ip link' part of the command: ip link show dev eth0 | grep 'link/ether' | awk '{print $2}' . Also, both this command and the ifconfig one do not require root access to run, so the sudo is not necessary. Show Sample Output

    ip link | grep 'link/ether' | awk '{print $2}'
    markdrago · 2009-11-04 19:41:26 19
  • ...or for a particular interface...

    ip link show eth0 | grep "link/ether" | awk '{print $2}'
    maxmanders · 2009-11-05 17:06:15 3
  • first off, if you just want a random UUID, here's the actual command to use: uuidgen Your chances of finding a duplicate after running this nonstop for a year are about the same as being hit by a meteorite before finishing this sentence The reason for the command I have is that it's more provably unique than the one that uuidgen creates. uuidgen creates a random one by default, or an unencrypted one based on time and network address if you give it the -t option. Mine uses the mac address of the ethernet interface, the process id of the caller, and the system time down to nanosecond resolution, which is provably unique over all computers past, present, and future, subject to collisions in the cryptographic hash used, and the uniqueness of your mac address. Warning: feel free to experiment, but be warned that the stdin of the hash is binary data at that point, which may mess up your terminal if you don't pipe it into something. If it does mess up though, just type reset Show Sample Output

    printf $(( echo "obase=16;$(echo $$$(date +%s%N))"|bc; ip link show|sed -n '/eth/ {N; p}'|grep -o -E '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}'|head -c 17 )|tr -d [:space:][:punct:] |sed 's/[[:xdigit:]]\{2\}/\\x&/g')|sha1sum|head -c 32; echo
    camocrazed · 2010-07-14 14:04:53 11

  • 0
    hi! link Comment Ignore
    kev · 2012-02-27 07:15:58 108
  • Use the command line to log into Dropbox. You have to replace with your Dropbox email (note the URL-encoding of "@" as %40). Also replace my_passwd with your Dropbox password. (Note: special characters in your password (such as #) must be url-encoded. You will get a cookie (stored in file "cookie") that you can use for subsequent curl operations to dropbox, for example curl -b cookie Debug note: If you want to see what data curl posts, use curl's --trace-ascii flag. Show Sample Output

    link= ; curl -b a -c cookie -d "t=$(curl -c a $link | sed -rn 's/.*TOKEN: "([^"]*).*/\1/p')&" $link
    nixnax · 2013-07-12 07:43:21 15

  • 0
    ip link set docker0 down && brctl delbr docker0
    abn · 2015-12-11 09:05:29 9
  • This download a complete audio podcast

    wget -c -v -S -T 100 --tries=0 `curl -s podcast/espectador/la_venganza_sera_terrible.xml | grep -v xml | grep link | sed 's/]*>//g'`
    fmdlc · 2009-03-04 13:12:28 5
  • Gets the internal and external IP addresses of all your interfaces, or the ones given as arguments Show Sample Output

    ips(){ for if in ${1:-$(ip link list|grep '^.: '|cut -d\ -f2|cut -d: -f1)};do cur=$(ifconfig $if|grep "inet addr"|sed 's/.*inet addr:\([0-9\.]*\).*/\1/g');printf '%-5s%-15s%-15s\n' $if $cur $(nc -s $cur 128 2>/dev/null||echo $cur);done;}
    frozenfire · 2009-08-07 10:04:46 3

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Set laptop display brightness
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