[Update! Thanks to a tip from ioggstream, I've fixed both of the bugs mentioned below.]
You, yes, 𝙔𝙊𝙐, can be the terror of the Internet! Why use normal, boring bullet points in your text, when you could use a ROTATED HEAVY BLACK HEART BULLET (❥)!? (Which would also be an awesome band name, by the way).
This script makes it easy to find unusual characters from the command line. You can then cut and paste them or, if you're using a GTK application, type Control+Shift+U followed by the code point number (e.g., 2765) and then a SPACE.
USAGE: Put this script in a file (I called mine "ugrep") and make it executable. Run it from the command line like so,
ugrep heart
The output will look like this,
You can, of course, use regular expressions. For example, if you are looking for the "pi" symbol, you could do this:
ugrep '\bpi\b'
REQUIREMENTS: Although this is written in Bash, it assumes you have Perl installed because it greps through the Perl Unicode character name module (/usr/lib/perl5/Unicode/CharName.pm). Note that it would not have made more sense to write this in Perl, since the CharName.pm module doesn't actually include a subroutine for looking up a character based on the description. (Weird.)
BUGS: In order to fit this script in the commandlinefu limits, a couple bugs were added. ① Astral characters beyond the BMP (basic multilingual plane) are not displayed correctly, but see below. ② Perl code from the perl module being grepped is sometimes extraneously matched.
MISFEATURES: Bash's printf cannot, given a Unicode codepoint, print the resulting character to the terminal. GNU's coreutils printf (usually "/usr/bin/printf") can do so, but it is brokenly pedantic about how many hexadecimal digits follow the escape sequence and will actually die with an error if you give the wrong number. This is especially annoying since Unicode code points are usually variable length with implied leading zeros. The CharNames.pm file represents BMP characters as 4 hexits, but astral characters as 5. In the actual version of this script that I use, I've kludged around this misfeature by zero-padding to 8 hexits like so,
/usr/bin/printf "\U$(printf "%08x" 0x$hex)"
TIP 1: The author recommends "xsel" for command line cut-and-paste. For example,
ugrep biohazard | xsel
TIP 2: In Emacs, instead of running this command in a subshell, you can type Unicode code points directly by pressing Control-Q first, but you'll likely want to change the default input from octal to hexadecimal. (setq read-quoted-char-radix 16).
TIP 3: Of course, if you're using X, and you want to type one of the more common unusual characters, it's easiest of all to do it with your Compose (aka Multi) key. For example, hitting [Compose] <3 types ♥.
Show Sample Output
To start, you first need to make sure updatedb has been run/updatedb, and initialized the db:
su -l root -c updatedb
This locate command is provided through the mlocate package, installed by default on most GNU/Linux distributions. It's available on the BSDs as well. Not sure about support for proprietary UNIX systems. The output is self-explanatory- it provides an overview of how many directories and files are on your system.
Show Sample Output
Checks the apache configuration syntax, if is OK then restart the service otherwise opens the configuration file with VIM on the line where the configuration fails.
Ever use 'locate' to find a common phrase in a filename or directory name? Often you'll get a huge list of matches, many of which are redundant, and typically the results are not sorted. This command will 'locate' your search phrase, then show you a sorted list of just the relevant directories, with no duplications. So, for example, maybe you have installed several versions of the java jre and you want to track down every directory where files matching "java" might exist. Well, a 'locate java' is likely to return a huge list with many repeated directories since many files in one directory could contain the phrase "java". This command will whittle down the results to a minimal list of unique directory names where your search phrase finds a match.
use the locate command to find files on the system and verify they exist (-e) then display each one in full details. Show Sample Output
Finds all cert files on a server and lists them, finding out, which one is a symbolic link and which is true. You want to do this when a certificate expires and you want to know which files to substitute with the new cert. Show Sample Output
MAC OSX doesn't come with a locate command, This will do the same thing as the locate command on a typical Linux OS. Simply add it to your ~/.bash_profile
Another way to view some code by keyword and basic regular expression
Find all books on my systems and move them into folder. The -0 switches are to handle spaces etc. in the filenames. Why would you need this? Locate uses an index, so it's super quick, and xargs is more elegant than a for loop.
Uses "locate" instead of "find", "sort -u" instead of "sort | uniq" and it's case insensitive. Show Sample Output
May require the locate package. Locate is awesome, it creates a small file database which is updated once a day or so, or you can do a force update with 'updatedb'. Then you just type in 'locate' with the name of the file or folder that you want and off it goes. Show Sample Output
scare hell out of user of just amuse by playing random .wav short files
Escapes spaces in paths.
This command allow you quick find any executable by keyword(s) in your system. NOTE: Sometime this command will output like this: `hello.py.launch': No such file or directory this is normal behaviour Show Sample Output
Greps located files for an expression.
Example greps all LaTeX files for 'foo':
locate *.tex | xargs grep foo
To avoid searching thousands of files with grep it could be usefull to test first how much files are returned by locate:
locate -c *.tex
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