Forwards localhost:1234 to machine:port, running all data through your chain of piped commands. The above command logs inbound and outbound traffic to two files. Tip: replace tee with sed to manipulate the data in real time (use "sed -e 's/400 Bad Request/200 OK/'" to tweak a web server's responses ;-) Limitless possibilities.
One person does `mkfifo foo; script -f foo' and another can supervise real-time what is being done using `cat foo'.
Then just nc servername 2600 and ./ kill the client with ctrl+c. You can reconnect several times. kill the server with exit
If you have a client that connects to a server via plain text protocol such as HTTP or FTP, with this command you can monitor the messages that the client sends to the server. Application level text stream will be dumped on the command line as well as saved in a file called proxy.txt. You have to change 8080 to the local port where you want your client to connect to. Change also to the IP address of the destination server and 80 to the port of the destination server. Then simply point your client to localhost 8080 (or whatever you changed it to). The traffic will be redirected to host on port 80 (or whatever you changed them to). Any requests from the client to the server will be dumped on the console as well as in the file "proxy.txt". Unfortunately the responses from the server will not be dumped. Show Sample Output
connect to it with any network command (including web browser - if you don't mind weird formatting) curl nc 9876 Show Sample Output
Streams youtube-dl video to mplayer. Usage: syt '' '' Uses mplayer controls
Please check out my blog article on this for more detail.
Shorter version with proper stderr redirection .
USAGE: gate listening_port host port Creates listening socket and connects to remote device at host:port. It uses pipes for connection between two sockets. Traffic which goes through pipes is wrote to stdout. I use it for debug network scripts.
Start an interactive program with perl code expansion. Everything between #[ ] is evaluated as perl code. #[ ] tags must not be nested (it wouldn't make sense anyway). Show Sample Output
uses fifo and sets to a specific port. In this case 4201. is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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