Warning this will allow you to write to the system image on the phone, not recommended. But sometimes useful.
fstrim is usually used on SSDs but can also be used to remove useless bits from file system images. This is most helpful if the compressed disk image is intended to be distributed, since it will be smaller than an untrimmed compressed image. Show Sample Output
FreeBSD version of the Linux command
mount discimg.iso /cdrom -o loop
The "mdconfig" command creates a device and prints the name (typically "md0"). Just append that to "/dev/" and mount.
Once unmounted, you can unconfigure the device with
mdconfig -d -u 0
using "0" for md0, "1" for md1, etc.
Based on the execute with timeout command in this site. A more complex script: #!/bin/sh # This script will check the avaliability of a list of NFS mount point, # forcing a remount of those that do not respond in 5 seconds. # # It basically does this: # NFSPATH=/mountpoint TIMEOUT=5; perl -e "alarm $TIMEOUT; exec @ARGV" "test -d $NFSPATH" || (umount -fl $NFSPATH; mount $NFSPATH) # TIMEOUT=5 SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename $0) for i in $@; do echo "Checking $i..." if ! perl -e "alarm $TIMEOUT; exec @ARGV" "test -d $i" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "$SCRIPT_NAME: $i is failing with retcode $?."1>&2 echo "$SCRIPT_NAME: Submmiting umount -fl $i" 1>&2 umount -fl $i; echo "$SCRIPT_NAME: Submmiting mount $i" 1>&2 mount $i; fi done
if the command is successful , you will get no output - only if an error has occurred will there be output
This will allow you to mount a CD-ROM on Solaris SPARC 9 or lower. This will not work on Solaris 10 due to void and the volume management daemons. www.fir3net.com
Mount a Windows share. Usually the IP is needed for the $ip_or_host option. Getting hostnames working on a local network never seems to work.
mounts a samba share on a remote machine using a credentials file that can be in a file tht is not accessable by other users the file will look like: username="username" password="password" best option i belive
-t option tells the system to look for a msdos filesystem The /dev/fd0 is your floppy drive ( This may be different for you check /dev folder to confirm) /mnt/floppy is the point where you want to mount the device to
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