tar(1) and cpio(1) are not fully platform agnostic, although their file formats are specified in POSIX.1-2001. As such, GNU tar(1) might not be able to extract a BSD tar(1) archive, and ivce versa. pax(1) is defined in POSIX.1-2001. To extract an archive:
pax -rf archive.tar
Don't have GNU tar installed that supports the redirect option (-C)? Use this. Show Sample Output
Let's say you have a set of files in tree A that you want duplicated to tree B while preserving their directory structure / hierarchy. (For example, you might want to copy your 'profile' model/views/controller from one Rails application to another.) The "pax" command will copy all matching files to the destination while creating any necessary directories.
NOTE that pax goes always recursively, for that reason -d option should be added when you don't want to go recursively into directories.
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